Friday, October 1, 2010

Let's Re-Think the Wink

Hello Class-
Hmmm I don't know, have mix feelings about this Acuvue campaign they so call using Social Media.
  • My initial thought was that they limited themselves to just Facebook. I see that this marketing plan was designed two years ago and maybe FB was the "hottest" thing then. No, wait....wasn't MySpace alive and kicking? Imagine the age group they could've captured there and elsewhere!
  • Also, they left me wanting to know more of who their consumer was. Like perhaps what percentage are male or female....they only offered age groups 18-29. Also what about the 30+ y/o age group?? They're on FB too..
  • In addition, while one slide showed how effective the "Wink" campaign was on FB, I wondered if they saw results in sales/profits, which is bottom line. There should've been a slide on $$ results.

However, I did appreciate the 10 key things they learnt. Very informative and hopefully they followed it for their future plans.

Cynthia Rodriguez


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cynthia

    I would have agreed about MySpace but the fact is that the MySpace lay out (I tried it for 2 weeks and shut it down) was never compatible to advertise anything relevant (besides microsites which we ignore even otherwise).

    Secondly,I am in total agreement with you regarding the financial figures that Acuvue should have added in the presentation. That would have been a touchdown and to seal the game for me too, had they showed the jump in numbers with a "Before" and "After" outlook from the Facebook App.

    Alexander Mathew

  3. Alexander- yes you definitely have a point about MySpace. It's nothing like Facebook, maybe not the best example to use but my point was that they could've used additional social networks.


  4. Cynthia,

    Fabulous blog post. Your best yet.

    1. Great headline.
    2. You took a strong point of view and expressed it really really well.

    What other social networks would you have recommended for Acuvue?

    I like your discussion with Alexander - well done.

    My recommendation to you is the same I made to him: post it to the Slideshare message board where this presentation is located.

    What you offer would make this presentation better.

    Well done. I'm really pleased, Cynthia.


  5. Cynthia,

    One more point - you do not need to address the blog post to the class.

    The class is reading it, perhaps other Kean students, perhaps Dr. Alawahat, or others?


  6. Perri,

    I started to think about how to answer your question on "what other social networks" to recommend and I couldn't come up with anything similar to Facebook.

    But then I thought, why not a Dating website such as, Plentyof, or The "Wink" effect might've been really fun for those participating on these forms of social networks.

    And who knows, a match could've been made between two people who share similarities, like... oh I don't know maybe they both wear contacts!!

  7. Very clever, Cynthia. I like the idea for this target audience (18-24). Could be a special campaign.

    A cheesy YouTube video poking fun at winking could be another approach, though I like your idea better.

    If you are comfortable, suggest it on SlideShare.


  8. Yes...YouTube was an afterthought, but definitely the Acuvue campaign could've been even more successful on there.

    I'm not a big YouTube user but I think I will start to check it more often.
