Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Improving Communication!

According to my understanding social media are the means by which people interact with one another through the usage of web-based technological advances. In this day and age, the concept of social media has emerged as a powerful tool redefining the way in which people conduct business around the world. For most companies it is a necessity rather than an option to assimilate new communication technologies as they are developed if they wish to remain competitive in an ever changing world of communications. Social media allows people to expedite the transfer of data and information, transcend most distance barriers, and reach large audiences in a fairly inexpensive fashion.

Examples of social media include but are not limited to forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, chat rooms, and podcasts among others. Every one of these tools can be creatively and efficiently utilized by the employers of any given company for the creation and propagation of value and meaning using already existent information. The use of information technologies has in many cases enhance people’s ability to solve problems, brainstorm, conduct marketing, and establish new or maintain ongoing relationships.

In summary, social media instruments have rendered the overall communication process easier, faster, more accessible, and less expensive during the past could of decades. The use of social media has allowed companies to capitalize in time, resources, and business relationships. If true efficiency is the goal, companies must make it a priority to entrust every employee with the responsibility to strive to find new ingenious ways to incorporate social media devices in the overall business process.

Orcania B


  1. Oracania,

    This is a very thoughtful piece of work. What would make it even better is shorter paragraphs. Remember, 1-2 short sentences per paragraph. Thank you,

  2. Orcania,

    I am missing your Dick Wolfe assignment. Please hand this in ASAP. Thank you, Perri

  3. Thank you very much, I got carried away, but I will keep it in mind. Promise I will compose shorter paragraphs from now on!
    Orcania B

  4. I e-mailed it to you already, please let me know If I am missing something else.

