Monday, October 25, 2010

Encouraging Communication!

Communication between managers and employees is an important issue in any organization. Employees want guidelines from their supervisors, and the management wants input from the entire team. Most companies have little trouble communicating downward, but getting information to flow upward is more of a challenge. When employees stay quiet about what they need, the negative results can include missed opportunities, delayed projects, and failed initiatives.

The reasons for such a communication gap include employees that think, “I don’t want to appear incompetent,” and “Who am I to offer ideas to management?” Additionally, because they know that the management team is busy with long-term planning and strategic initiatives, many employees don’t want to interrupt with details of day-to-day activities. Without that knowledge, however, managers have a difficult time gauging whether they’re leading the company effectively.

The key to getting employees to communicate better and to keeping the company’s progress on track is to build a quality interaction between the employee group and the management team. Breaking through the barriers and getting employees and managers working together helps everyone advance a strategic vision and attain goals.

Saheed Animasaun

1 comment:

  1. Saheed,

    Thank you for your posting. Did you come to these conclusions or were these from the articles? If so, the sources need to be cited.

    Everything in here is accurate. The writing is academic and written like a research paper.

    Remember, I am looking for shorter paragraphs, specific examples, cited sources, links and to get to know your thoughts and perspectives.

    Give this another shot.

    Thank you,
