Monday, October 25, 2010

Employee Communication Through Social Media

Social media tools is proving highly effective in engaging workforce. Several companies are using these tools to keep their employees engaged and productive.

According to Allison Davis, in her article "Can Social Media Revitalize Employee Communication", 18% of 500 executives offer social media to employees. This still a small number while 60% says that social media is not on their agenda.

Apparently, engaging employees in organizational strategies is a challenge for most companies and their leaders.

I believe that in today's competitive workplace, businesses should be aware of the positive revolution that social media is causing.

Using these online tools for professional knowledge and most important for a better interaction within the company makes the difference in the performance of the workplace.

As i was reading "Why Employees Communications Matter" by Anne Sauve, i realize the importance of employee communication within the social media.

In order to build a brand a company needs employee "buy-in". Part of the engagement make employees feel part of the brand.

I feel that considering and recognizing employees as the first audience sets companies up for success.

Having a social media class for #Kean Universtity Marketing Students is a very good example of how well social media is used to communicate between my classmates and the professor.

So if we as a class enhance the importance of this communication tool; imagine how important the benefits would be for a company to engage with their employees through social media!!
Jenny Contreras


  1. Jenny,

    A good solid blog posting. I liked hearing your opinions.

    What would have made this more compelling and even better would have been specifics.

    1. Your experiences?
    2. Examples of what companies do?

    Thank you,

    PS - Don't forget to proofread your work before publishing.

  2. Jenny,

    I am missing your Dick Wolfe assignment. Can you please hand in? Thank you, Perri
