Monday, October 25, 2010

Branding Not Just for the External Audiences

After reading the articles about social media that was given to us from the professor of # Kean University's Marketing Course, I thought about what I would be able to give my opinion on and I really did not know what to blog about.

I enjoyed reading the articles, but because I do not work for an organization, do not know enough on how businesses are using social media, and what the effects of social media is in an organization, it made it difficult to write about the issue in these articles.

Before reading these articles and learning in class about how social media is used by an organization, I thought that social media was used only for people connecting with friends and family to see what everyone was up to. This meant to me even though some of these people worked in organization they were using MySpace, Twitter or Facebook to socialize in their personal lives and not in business.

After reading the articles, in my opinion organizations must look at social media as a marketing tool that will build a positive brand image as well as attracting new customers. Social Media has changed the traditional way to market and communicate externally as well as internally in an organization.

Social media gets information out quickly and fast to individual employees and to different departments within the organization. Employees build relationships within the organization easier with each other because they are able to learn more about their coworkers.

Branding is important to the success of a company and brand managers need to take an active part in the brand in very positive way to sell more products and services and contribute to the company success.

It seems that when most people think about branding, they think externally, but using employees can be big part in promoting their services and products internally for their branding.

In my opinion the employees are big part of the success of an organization because their positive feedback of the organization can help the organization with their branding. They are able to promote the organization internally and externally and help the company be successful.

I really took an interest in the employee-branding article. I know employees are a big part of any organization. It was interesting to see how important employees take a part in internally in branding in the organization.

Working for a small business with five locations, I would like to see how having some form of social media in the way we communicate internally would help us be more successful to our brand.

I would like to see examples of how an organization uses social media for branding internally and what the outcome was when implementing this.

Donna Foerst

Updated post from last week


  1. Donna,

    It looks like you really "took" to the employee branding article. Can you tell me more about what attracted you to this article?

    I very much liked your last paragraph - that you would like to see how companies are doing this. Can you tell me why it is of interest to you.

    And how you might be able to learn more about what companies are doing?


  2. Donna,

    Excellent job! This is personal, relevant and thoughtful. Nice short paragraphs and easy to read.

    One piece of feedback - what articles were you asked to read? You might just state that up front - e.g., last week in class, we were given 3 articles about engaging employees through social media.

    Great revision - A+

