Monday, October 25, 2010

Let's Communicate Now!

The company that I work for extremely relies on social media to communicate within the business; Therefore, I extremely appreciate the use of social media in every business.

I can see why some employees do not engage or approach all the benefits of communicating through this medium, but I also think that companies have the responsability of training their employees so they can take get familiar to the new technology.

Managers need to keep in mind that not all employees know how to get around a computer, let alone the internet.

If employees are provided with the right training I am pretty sure they would use these tools to improve their work.

In my experience, once you learn how to communicate through social networks with your co-workers, life is a lot easier.

You get to avoid unnecesary emails and can go straight to the point, which I think increases productivity at the workplace.

Another point that I think is a great advantage, it's that managers and supervisors can get a better hold of what their employees are doing.

I am not saying that they can see every page that you surf, but if they are using a private network it is easier for them to monitor their employees.

Overall, I encourage companies to use networks for their employees, but also keep face to face meetings at least once a month. After all we are still humans and need some type of personal contact.

Mariana Alfonzo
# Kean University Marketing Students


  1. I agree with you when you say is a lot easier for employees to communicate through social media because you go straight to the point. I also think that it's faster and it saves you time that you can invest on doing some other task. As a result, in the long-run it will increase productivity like you said.

    I also think using social media as a tool of communication between companies and their employees would definitely lead to a better way of sharing or communicating messages, opinions, and even suggestions that may hihly improve employees performace and therefore, productivity.

    Jenny A. Contreras

  2. Mariana,

    I like your personal perspective in this piece. And agree that companies need to provide training to their employees. It is also important for them to use all of the tools around them to connect with employees - including social media. How else does your company communicate?


    PS - Well written!


  3. I wasn't done when this published! I am missing your Dick Wolfe assignment. Can you please bring to class? Thanks.

  4. Perri-
    I emailed it to you, I don't know why you didn't receive it.
    I would bring a hard copy tonight.
    See you in class,
