Saturday, October 2, 2010

Acuvue Wink Campaign

To start with, I am not a contact lens user so this automatically throws me out of Acuvue's target market. But, reading this presentation got me very interested and eager to learn more. So, listed below are my observations, likes and dislikes from what I gathered:

1) What I pulled from the stats this presentation threw at me was that Acuvue did hit it's desired targets in terms of getting users interested in at least trying Acuvue. However, a quarter to quarter jump in sales figures right after the metrics would have convinced me even more.

2) What I liked about the presentation was that it's a novel idea. I checked out the Acuvue "Wink" campaign on Facebook just to get the look and feel, the good part is that they actually allow potential contact lens users to go to Acuvue's website and sign up for a product trial.

3) However, the Wink app on Facebook I felt personally was a waste of time. While I understand showing how a daily change contact lens works on Facebook is hard, what exactly was the point with this Application? Yes, subtle humor is involved but I really don't think unless someone were obsessed with their contact lenses they'd actually signup and send out winks to their friends.

Alexander Mathew


  1. Alexander,

    Great blog posting. Specific with nice examples and a clear demonstration that you did some digging.

    Your blog post offers such great analysis, I would encourage you to repost this to the SlideShare site by the presentation itself.

    Let me know what happens.


    PS: Remember, one thought per paragraph. You have a few thoughts per paragraph. Shorten shorten shorten - don't be afraid to shorten. It's easier to read.

    Well done.

  2. i agree with all your points Alex, the last point you made about Facebook apps being a conplete waste of time AGREED! lol like seriously its bad enough you sign on to facebook check your mail then you have an annoying ad on the sode in which no one really sees. But in all the campaign "Wink" was a good idea just wished it could have been used in a different form of social media

    Tyshera Davis

  3. Alex,

    I came back and re-read your posting. In fact, I would like for you to discuss this during class on 10/18. Why?

    Because you started from a personal perspective and dove right in with color.

    Would you please be prepared to discuss?

    Thank you,

  4. Andrew, I agree. I am not too interested in contact lens but I have to say if I were, I would not think about winking at all.

    There should be another way to market this product so that the word gets out such as a refer a friend button.

    Kashanna Johnson
