Monday, October 25, 2010

Give Employees Something to Talk About @ Work

Employee Communications via Social Networks. The new form of communication

Employee communications using social media is no longer uncommon or unheard of. According to this article (click here), companies will have find it easier in the future to incorporate social networks amongst their employees to promote better business practices.
Corporations and even small business can use the steps noted in this article to better prepare and plan for the inevitable.

"Employees have a huge role to play in this because how they represent the company impacts the brands reputation". Employees, in my opinion, are truly the foundation of any company, organization, brand, etc.

People are what it takes to run an organization, to run the world as a matter of fact. If you don't have people, then what do you have?

Employee communication is imperative to the successes of a company. It's where it all starts.

Alison Davis (whom I've had the pleasure of meeting) hit it right on the head with this comment in her article "They're Just Not That Into You, "Most of all, employees want to control their communication experience by asking questions, adding comments, learning other employees perspectives and even creating their own news".

This is a great for building personal experiences and applying it daily while keeping the companies best interest in mind.

We are constantly presented at work with new data, more information that Alison says "shape to appeal to our internal clients-senior executives...".

Social networks are relevant in the lives of people today, those in the workforce, if they were allowed, could apply to their company and jobs and I can almost guarantee it will be successful.


  1. Cynthia,

    I am not yet going to give you a grade on this posting. I'd like you to go back and revise with 3 things in mind:

    1. I wanted you to be able to draw conclusions from the 3 articles and offer a point of view on the importance of employee communications (or unimportance).

    2. Needs to read as a standalone piece - e.g., Last week in class, Alison Davis came to visit with us to discuss [and link to Alison's web site] and we were asked to read 3 articles on the topic. You need more up front description.

    3. Apply your learnings around short paragraphs and making the piece visually appealing. Think about subheads, bolds, underlines and possibly links back to other sites.

    Thank you,
