Sunday, October 24, 2010

Communicating With Employees ~ Key to Company Success Though What is the Role of Social Media?

Communication is a definte key factor within many businesses today, [including yours?].

To have a productive strategy to success, it is important that the left hand has knowledge of what the right hand produces at all times.

After reviewing the readings [what readings - say what they are], information shows that corporate communication allows employees to engage in business strategies.

Old communication techniques no longer work beacuse of new social media devices [really - is this your opinion? or is there proof?].

Companies such as Pfizer provided a great social media device for their employees called Pfizerpedia.

I find it interesting to know that a once a conservative company such as Pfizer realized the importance of employee communication and decided to introduce this type of communication tool to bring employees together.

Even though social media can enhance the communication amongst employees, some companies may be threatened.

There is always possiblity that a company may be faced with a bitter employee who may not have the companies' best interest at hand.

According to the "Social Media Within Your Walls" article, it suggests that policies and training should be in place.

I agree.

There must be some type of policy and training put into place to avoid communication issues within a company. [how does this relate to you? how do you feel about it personally? does your company have a policy?]

It is imperative that employees comunicate. A company is a group of people working together to build a strong foundation with hopes of being successful.

In order to achieve that goal, communiating with other employees is a must [especially through social media?].

As an employee, I embrace the fact that my company values my opinion [is it important for them to value your opinion or is it important for them to communicate or both? how do they communicate?]. It may or may not help with the companies' growth but at least it will be considered in one way or another.

When thinking of implementing a social media tool within a company it is always best to first research, then apply the tool afterwhich continue to think of ways to improve or sustain this tool [is this your point of view or something from the article? for what reason?].

As a result, companies are most likely to have continued success.

Kashanna Johnson


  1. It was a little hard for me to read the blog without reading Perry's comments. which I think unconstiously makes me get a different perspective.
    Therefore, I do not want to comment on it, because I do not know if without the comments I would have a different point of view.
    The only think that I would improve is that I would like to get to know more of Kashana's persepective towards the articles.
    In other words, I would love to know more of her personal opinions or experiences related to the article.
    Mariana Alfonzo

  2. Since I have a problem to write good English myself, I may not be the right person to comment on anyone's work.

    I can only point out a couple of things that I learned from Perri:

    1. Most of her paragraphs were short except for a few.
    2. Her writing was too generalized not specific.
    3. She didn't use her personal experience.
    4. She didn't provide to us where she got her
    information from.
    I am not sure my comments are correct. I did force myself reading her article carefully, which was a good learning experience.

    Li Ching Jung

  3. My only comments for Kashanna is to make it more personal. Would love to read about her experiences and how this relates to her at work or on day to day basis.

  4. Cynthia Rodriguez (gosh keep forgetting to sign my name)
