Monday, September 27, 2010

Tweet Tweet Tweet!

After signing up for Twitter, I learned how to navigate around the website and follow people that I have never thought of following. Twitter actually came in handy this weekend as it was my birthday and I wanted to find out where a certail DJ was playing this weekend.

I followed this particular DJ all weekend and was able to find out the different clubs he was playing. I never thought twitter would be so useful but it was a great social tool to use in a case such as mine.

Once I got the hang of this social envrionment, I began to follow other people such as the weather channel which would inform me on all updates pertaining to the weather forecast for that day.

This experience was truly helpful and I can now see why many use this type of social media tool.

Kashanna Johnson


  1. Kashanna,

    Well done on this blog post. It is well-written, visually appealing, thoughtful and specific. It's also concise, which I like.

    Happy Birthday. Did you enjoy the day and DJ?


  2. Happy Birthday Kashanna! I use twitter for the same reasons as you. For finding places have you ever considered using foursquare?

    I keep meaning to sign up for that, it shows you who is at what place, what they have to say about it, and what cool places are near by for you to check out!

    -Kelly Duncan
