Thursday, September 30, 2010


I found Acuvue case study really Interesting, what I found most Interesting was "before facebook reduced office productivity by 50%, causing a global recession". I found this statement very funny but also very true. It's so rare nowadays that you go to a business office and you do not find a facebook page open on their computer. One thing I noticed that the pesentation did well in was how it present the facts and offer advice on different ways to excel in branding a product. The presentation could have been better if it had offer more details on each product instead of just stating the facts and move on.

Saheed Animasaun


  1. Saheed

    I agree with you about Facebook at the workplace. It's funny you mentioned that because while working on campus at a community college in 2008, my boss was strictly against any of us being on Facebook. However, my recent internship at an ad agency in New York actually encouraged us to get on Facebook and watch out for trends and any new campaigns that stood out. How times change!

    Alexander Mathew

  2. Sahhed,
    I also found interesting the fact that Facebook has reduced 50% of job productivity.
    But I also agree with Alexander that many companies now are encouraging their employees to use facebook in order to get the company's name out there and be more familiar with the competition and the consumers.

    Mariana Alfonzo
