Saturday, September 18, 2010

Get BloGgEd!!!

Hi class,
I think blogging should be part of our class because it is an easier and faster way to share our thoughts with one another. sometimes we do not have time to stay after class and chat with our classmates about the class or even our personal lives, so maybe through blogging we would be able to create and maintain a closer connection with the classmates and obviously the professor.

Companies are now beginning to realize how important social media has become, and are trying to be more active when in comes to social media; as we mentioned in class most business are now opening facebook and twitter accounts to try and reach more customers. they are encouraging their employees to talk about their work (in a positive manner) in their own personal Facebook/Twitter accounts. Not going to far, my boss actually asked me to open a facebook group of our company so we can try and connect more with our former customers and try to gain new ones in the process as well.
I believe that social media is extremely important today, and every business should use it to communicate and build connections with their customers.
Mariana Alfonzo


  1. Mariana,

    Thank you for your blog entry. Nice job.

    Perhaps blogging is a good and safe way to "come out of your shell." I certainly use it for that. In fact, I got myself in trouble for sharing too much including the details of a bad playdate with my daughter.

    What is negative consequence of sharing too much through a blog? What can happen?

    I am really interested in the work that your boss asked you to do with Facebook and Twitter accounts.

    If you are comfortable, do share the "challenge" with the class and maybe we can come up with some ideas that will make your assignment easier.

    In the meantime, a few thoughts on your blogging style:

    1. Headline! You definitely need a headline to grab the reader with something interesting and eye catching, and to tag the entry so that you can keep track of it. Take a look at how it is archived to the right.

    2. I very much like your informal writing style. It sounds like a real person is writing which is so important with a blog. Keep this up!

    3. The best digital writing for business does follow proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization rules. Do consider this!

    Thank you.
    Perri Richman

  2. Sharing too much in a blog can bring a lot of bas consequences. for instance, if you are sharing too much information on a new product or idea that you or your company is launching, people can actually steal your idea or even create a better product and launch it at the same time your company does.
    if you are sharing too much information on maybe some defects or flaws your product has, this could impact the consumers perception of those products.
    therefore, i believe we should think carefully of what we share in blogs, after all is out there for the whole world to see it.
    Mariana Alfonzo

  3. I added a headline to my blog. I was not aware of the important role that a headline plays in catching a reader's attention. From now on I would do my best in trying to create attractive headlines.
    Mariana Alfonzo

  4. Mariana,

    I like your headline and I am glad that you have realized the importance of drawing in the reader.

    Please do go back through your entry and:

    1. Shorten your paragraphs. Remember no more than 2 sentences and 1 thought per paragraph.

    2. Watch your capital letters and spelling. Proper grammar!

    These are easy changes especially when you have great content.

    Thank you,

  5. The role of Social Media in the marketing mix in my opinion I believe is based on place(distribution)and promotion. The reason I say this is because if you can display your product or service where ever the consumers, customers are at reach than you have a greater chance of them purchasing your product or trying your services. That where social media comes to play, Instead of just targeting just a certain location or target market you are at reach to influence more with using social media. From Facebook, twitter, creating blogs stating information about your business, etc. I was reading through an article comcast is one company that are benefiting from using social media. Recently Comcast creating a twitter account to help Comcast users in need. They found a way create great customer service and solve their problems in mintues. Also with that they are able to see who and why certain people dislike Comcast and based from their feedback they are finding way to fix those problems.

    Johnson Joseph
