Monday, September 20, 2010

Bloggers in Class & Companies go Facebooking!

Hello Class

As a writer, I have had to create a website (which sadly has been a little inactive due to school) with a blog application. I was first hooked onto blogging when I worked along side a fellow intern from Texas Tech who blogged about her adventures in New York city during the course of her intern. While her following was mainly friends from Facebook and family members, I was amazed to see the power of words and ease of access with which now anyone can post opinions and experiences allowing everyone or a select few audience to read it. I feel with our own class blog we all should be able to do the same- contribute, inspire, share opinions and more importantly soak in this new concept of blogging and importantly social media marketing.

I was able to track down the Facebook page for Ford. With the American auto industry in shambles, Ford I do believe has managed to build not only its commercial campaign but also gather viewers and greater market saturation (outreach) via its Facebook page- However, while you see that Ford has gone all out in being thorough with its page, check out Volkswagon's Facebook page:!/VW?v=wall. A stark contrast can be seen between the two, one being very professional and generating marketing while the other going off of user generated data. I feel for companies to keep their following in such a competitive and volatile market today, presentation and constant updates are a must. More importantly, it needs to appear dynamic, fresh and professional.

Alexander Mathew

1 comment:

  1. Alexander,

    Great work on your blog entry! It is well written, specific and you offer examples. You have effectively made your case.

    I also liked your headline.

    One point for making your posting even better. Shorter paragraphs for readability. 1 thought per paragraph, no more than 2 sentences per paragraph.

    Well done!

