Sunday, September 26, 2010

My First Blog (2)

Our first day of the class (Monday) introduced me to a new phenomenon: blogging. Clueless and concerned I came home, visited the professor’s site, and read her personal story. Then, I had a better picture.

Blogs are: interactive sites open to visitors to leave comments and even messages.

• You can use them as personal online diaries,
• You can link to other websites, vice versa.
• Add pictures and graphs.
• Add Web pages and other media related issues to main topic.

After having a better picture, I strongly believe blogging is good for our class to use it.

• I can learn and update myself with this new technology,
• I can connect with every student in the class
• I can get my classmates’ feedback and the professor’s comments.
• I can improve my English through blogging banter.

Again, social media is another new area for me. After visiting “You Tube”, and watching many videos on social media, I feel business can be energized by these powerful tools. No way modern business can do without it.

This is a wonderful way to communicate with your customers:
What are they saying about your products?
What other product needs can your company satisfy?

In Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter, My Space
Individuals can create personal accounts
Businesses can use the “Advertising” link to create business pages

Twitter offers great opportunity for realtors to post pictures of their listings. They also can listen to what homeowners and sellers are looking for. In this way, the realtors can respond, give advice, and tips.

From research ( found out the 2010 businesses have increased Social Media Budget as below:

• Retail & E-Commerce 79%
• Publishing & Media 63%
• Computer Hardware & Software 55%
• Business & Consumer Services 54%
• Manufacturing 53%
• Travel & Leisure 52%
• Education & Healthcare 43%

From the information above, I believe business is living up to the expectations of social media in 2010. The majority of business and organizations realize social media is a trend and in order to maximize the profits, social media is a must.
Yes, yes, yes…there are risks. Bad feedbacks on bad products…so…company with bad products with have to think twice about using this powerful tool.

Li Ching Jung


I read Principles of Good Writing and made the writing concise, specific, and interesting both in content and visual appeal. I added different fonts, bolded and bulleted key points. I played and had fun recreating the assignment.

If I had these principles ahead of the assignment, I would have had a more colorful blog…now that I “see” what “Blogging” entails and will work to uphold the key principles.

1 comment:

  1. Li Ching,

    A+ on your blog entry. It is clear, concise, specific and visually appealing. You have mastered blogging. I am so proud.

    It is apparent that you have spent a lot of time reading, trying, experimenting, asking and learning. Congratulations! Your curiosity is paying off.

    One request: Please create a headline.

    Thank you,
