Monday, September 27, 2010

From Fun to Serious Business- The Facebook Story

I found this article really interesting because while it is a known fact that businesses have been attempting to drive serious traffic towards their Facebook pages, this article on "3 Studies Show Facebook's Marketing Potential" ( shows how businesses are attempting to drive the heavy traffic to their sites.

While I feel businesses and consultants alike are working around the social media jargon to figure out a way to make the likes of users like me clicking the "Digg", "Retweet" or "Like" button into marketing research data, translating into dollars for companies.

On a side note, I feel that Mark Zucherburg (founder of Facebook) has pulled a good PR move by putting in $100M towards the Newark school system. Good PR for two reasons, first- he's trying to disconnect himself from the upcoming "Social Network" movie which portrays him as a self-consumed founder of Facebook and secondly, it puts him a humanitarian spotlight on him, that portrays him as being concerned with the community's welfare.

Alexander Mathew


  1. Alexander,

    Thank you for your blog post. Glad to have you back in class last night. You were a great contributor.

    Please make sure you read the chapters from last week in "Writing for Digital Media."

    It was part of our discussion from last week about making writing specific with facts and examples.

    You have a good tone to your writing - personal, opinions, etc. Make sure to make it specific with supporting facts and examples.

    Also, you should post this comment to under their blog posting. See what discussion comes out of it.


    PS: Also, I mentioned that you should follow the assignments in the PowerPoint, not in the syllabus.

  2. Miss Richman

    I will follow up with the assignments in the Powerpoints here on. Thank you for the compliment on my blog, I will back it up with examples in the future.

    Alexander Mathew
