Thursday, September 30, 2010

Acuvue Interacting with Social Media

Acuvue brings social media as part of their marketing plan. Facts, research, and projections are very important in a marketing plan. I enjoyed the article and learnt more of how social media can be part of a marketing plan.

Here are some of the facts that were interesting for me when i read the article. They talk about internet, tweeter, and specially facebook users stats.

-Over 140 million active users
-More than 70% users are outside the U.S.
-The faster growing demographics are those 25 years and older
-2.6 billion minutes are spent on facebook each day worldwide
-Acuvue mentions that the number of online importance has increased from 25% to 43% in three years.

All these facts and research were definitely the starting point for Acuvue to get their campaign started.

Acuvue's target audience for their "Blink and Wink Campaign" were people between the ages of 18-29 yrs. old

The rise of social networking is the new revolution in the social media world.

Acuvue incorporated social media as part of their marketing plan as well as #Kean University Marketing Students are doing it now by improving the class blog.

I think that both Acuvue and #kean University Marketing Students had a common communcation tool which was social media in order to reach their target audience. what a smart and innovative move!!

Jenny A. Contreras

Grades on first two assignments

Hope you are doing well and having a great week.

I have begun to grade your assignments from 9/20 and 9/27 (blog contributions). I am grading based upon the two criteria we discussed on the first day of class:
  • Completion of both assignments – on time
  • Quality, understanding, application of feedback, and blog discussion interaction with classmates

Everyone will receive an individualized email from me - sent to your Kean email - by the end of the day tomorrow.

You may feel free to call, email or request time with me before class to discuss.

And don't forget to do the reading and the research on Dick Wolfe from Gibbs & Soell.



I found Acuvue case study really Interesting, what I found most Interesting was "before facebook reduced office productivity by 50%, causing a global recession". I found this statement very funny but also very true. It's so rare nowadays that you go to a business office and you do not find a facebook page open on their computer. One thing I noticed that the pesentation did well in was how it present the facts and offer advice on different ways to excel in branding a product. The presentation could have been better if it had offer more details on each product instead of just stating the facts and move on.

Saheed Animasaun

Watermelon For Dessert??????

Everyone is talking about it, everyone is using it, so in order for me to take an opinion on the matter i decided to open a Twitter account.

People make the most ridiculous tweets I have ever seen, it is actually amusing sometimes. But it raises the question of: what should I tweet to the world?

I do not want people to know if I am allergic to certain things, if I like what I had for dessert this afternoon or what my plans are for the weekend. Not only I do not want the world to know it, I honestly do not think the world cares about my personal life, unless they are related to me in some kind of way.

That is whyIi decided that in order for to get the best out of Twitter I would only follow people, industries and news that are important, amusing or relevant to me.

Mariana Alfonzo

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Assignments Due on 10/5

Here is a summary of the homework for 10/5. The presentation from class is posted on Blackboard. Please let me know if you have any questions. Perri:

Social Media Examiner
Find an entry of interest
Comment on it through the Social Media Examiner blog
Be prepared to discuss the entry and the commenting experience in class.

Case study
Take a moment and read this presentation: Acuvue Case Study
Blog about it on our class blog: What was interesting? What did they do well? How could they have improved?

•Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: Chapters 3-4
•Social Media for Business: Chapter 5

•I have created a blog entry where you can sign-up to present a news worthy article about social media
•Please put your name next to the week that you choose

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tweeting It Up!

This week I tried learning what Twitter was about. Although I have a little knowledge of what it was about but I was really surprise to learn some other aspect that I didnt know about before. The first thing I learned about Twitter is that Unlike Facebook, You have a limited amount of characters to discuss your ideas or thoughts. Twitter also doesnt have the traditional way searching for friends and adding people, Instead, You follow people and people follow you back. I found Twitter really interesting but I dont think I'm closing my Facebook page anytime soon.

Saheed Animasaun

Can you Digg it?

The new social media site I signed up for was This seemed to be a different type of network, one that distinguishes itself from the usual and well-known Facebook. allows people the ability to follow just about any type of news and comment on it. It also gives you the option to post a link to an article that you find interesting.

It is a lot quicker than flipping through a whole newspaper to find the variety of news that you're looking for. You can get articles on just about anything and they are all brought to you!

I'm still getting the hang of the new site, but so far it has been entertaining. I recommend it to other #Kean University marketing students.

Thomas Cassidy

From Fun to Serious Business- The Facebook Story

I found this article really interesting because while it is a known fact that businesses have been attempting to drive serious traffic towards their Facebook pages, this article on "3 Studies Show Facebook's Marketing Potential" ( shows how businesses are attempting to drive the heavy traffic to their sites.

While I feel businesses and consultants alike are working around the social media jargon to figure out a way to make the likes of users like me clicking the "Digg", "Retweet" or "Like" button into marketing research data, translating into dollars for companies.

On a side note, I feel that Mark Zucherburg (founder of Facebook) has pulled a good PR move by putting in $100M towards the Newark school system. Good PR for two reasons, first- he's trying to disconnect himself from the upcoming "Social Network" movie which portrays him as a self-consumed founder of Facebook and secondly, it puts him a humanitarian spotlight on him, that portrays him as being concerned with the community's welfare.

Alexander Mathew

Twitter, here I come

Hello class,

I have been on Facebook for a while now, and its an interesting form of social media. I use Facebook basically for sharing pictures and thoughts with my friends. Its cool.

As suggested by my professor, I have signed up for an account under Twitter, and I should be on my way tweeting. Actually, I'm yet to learn a lot about Twitter as it relates to business.

I chose Twitter because it dose appear to be simple to use, and it has a limit of 140 characters to write whatever you want. It constrains you to get straight to the point(s). I like that.

Abaya Sannor

Twitter and Indispensable Tools

First of all, I would like to start this blog post with is a GREAT site! I wanted to read so many articles!

The article about tips on expanding your twitter experience was very insightful. I was unaware of the different tools you could apply to your account to make your followers and who you are following more meaningful.

For business the article "Top 5 Most Indispensable Twitter Tools for Markerters" is a great article for those just starting out. I plan on applying those tips to my companies twitter account @GardenAssoc. I already found (from reading the comments) that the Blast Follow is currently unavailable, I'll gladly post back my own personal findings!

-Kelly Duncan

Who knew you could do all that in just 140 characters!

I have been on twitter for about a year now. The only reason I signed up was to obtain current news in the industry that I am studying. As an Industrial Design Student at Kean University, having the most current news about products, what certain firms are doing, and what new tools are out there for Industrial Designers to use plays a good part in knowing your field.

I have to admit that I have not been following my tweets as much, but after this class I have a new found appreciation for this particular form of social media.

Twitter helped me find a bunch of new design firms I never knew existed, learn names of current cutting edge designers and also get really cool updates on museum events, new design principals, and even new materials!

Back to Tweeting,

Kelly Duncan
#Kean University Social Media Marketing Class


Sign Up

My first blog for Kean University Marketing course is my experience of Facebook sign up.

For years I had heard about Facebook but never investigated its use or relevance to my life. My first reaction to this social network:

Who has time to fiddle around with this silly thing?

Most of us we struggle between work and home everyday…Not to mention those busily engaged in taking classes in the evening with Kean University and other.

My friends and family members assured me that using the site addictive! Still I thought:

Who has time for this silly thing?

Then I created a Facebook account for my class. After professor showed me how to chat and invite your friends; I “playing” with the site for a few days and I found it is true addiction.

I want to thank Dr. Ahlawat for suggested me to take Kean University Marketing for Social Media. Facebook gives us the opportunity to catch up with people we may not see but once every few years.

I love playing with this silly thing!

With Facebook everything seems so easy and quick. As soon as I signed up:
  • I saw many of my friends registered on Facebook”.
  • I requested a personal invitation from them to appear on my “home page.”
  • Once they accept me as a friend, we can share each other’s list of “buddies” and I have a bank of new friends.

I learned Facebook is an interactive way to keep in touch with people you know both current friends and people you knew in your childhood. You can upload pictures of yourself, so would be easy recognized by your friends.

Words of warning: When you fill out your profile information be careful of how much you divulge.

Start Search:

My first search was my daughter, but I didn’t find her. Then I started to search for any family or friends that already had an account. Search box is located on the top of the following pages:

  • Home
  • Profile
  • Find Friends
  • Account

Email Address List

The quick way to do you search is to import your email list. On profile page there is a find "Friends" option on the top. Click on that: It will give an option "invite friends." Just follow the steps and Facebook will find your friends on your email list. It can also find your high school friends. Just type the school and the year you graduated.


Facebook has an avalanche effect. You will be amazed at how one friend will lead you to hundreds. Some of them can be common friends. I heard of someone who actually found a lost sister who had been absent from her life for years. You can set up a reunion with your old classmates, create vacation plans, etc, etc, etc…


Facebook, like many social media, not only can find friends for you, it can build up a network of people to benefit your business as well.

What Facebook can do for us:

  • Invite someone in
  • Find friends
  • Leave messages
  • Chat with friends
  • Set up events for you and your friends
  • Link to other sites
  • Upload photo and video
  • Play games
  • Share pictures and video with your friends and family members
  • Create "albums” of your own and view your friends’
  • Advertise to promote your business

I am sure I will appreciate Facebook once I really get to know all the features. So far, I am very excited thinking about how some of my friends may look today as compared to years ago. I hope I will find time to further explore this powerful social media format.

LI Ching Jung

Tweet Tweet Tweet!

After signing up for Twitter, I learned how to navigate around the website and follow people that I have never thought of following. Twitter actually came in handy this weekend as it was my birthday and I wanted to find out where a certail DJ was playing this weekend.

I followed this particular DJ all weekend and was able to find out the different clubs he was playing. I never thought twitter would be so useful but it was a great social tool to use in a case such as mine.

Once I got the hang of this social envrionment, I began to follow other people such as the weather channel which would inform me on all updates pertaining to the weather forecast for that day.

This experience was truly helpful and I can now see why many use this type of social media tool.

Kashanna Johnson

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Think Big Save Money!

The role in which social media plays in the marketing mix i would say the "promotion" aspect in marketing as a whole. Without the communication techniques that social media introduces to a good or service businesses wouldn't be profitable without advertising their brand to a direct audience. To evolve and become a successful business social media has to be the key factor toward building relationships among those indivduals who share the same interest. There isn't an easy way to say it! Market,Brand,Promote and Advertise. How can a business go wrong with these strategies? Companies are using social networks such as Myspace and Facebook to promote their products. For example "" which is an online book renting service in which students can purchase their textbooks at a lower price. I found this site to be extremly benifical, considering i needed cheaper textbooks at a lower price, so rented them and ever since then I'v been hooked. Thanks to Faceboook advertising Chegg on their site it allows the audience who have a common interest in this particular product to purchase it.
Tyshera Davis

Social Media & Marketing Mix

Being a #Kean University Marketing student for social media made me come up to the conclusion thaht in business, social media is definitely part of the marketing mix.
  • Product--Companies offer a product or service.
  • Price--The value of the product is perceived by the customer in that offer .
  • Place--The offer is placed within reach of the customer .
  • Promotion--Advertising or communicating that offer is called promotion.

Thus, the role of social media in the marketing mix is to expand the relationship between customers and brands.

For example, some drug firms uses social media to interact better with potential or existing customers. Many consumers search online for health information.

Some people trust peer-generated social media content more than pharma company websites and what physicians say.

I think that interacting with real patients or consumers is becoming very common to discuss about medications or treatments in these times. It's more of an online support.

Jenny A. Contreras

What's Up Blog.

I think Blogging should be a part of this class for many reasons, the first reason is because it enables each student to share their ideas and thoughts precisely. You can discuss your idea or how you feel about an issue openly and without any interruption. Blogging should also be a part of this class because its a effective way of communicating among students. Considering the fact that we only meet once a week for this class, I think blogging is a great way of continuosly getting information about the different ideas and opinions before the next class.

Another reason blogging should be a part of this class is because it add that extra incentive to motivate some students to write more and possibly grow a deeper curiousity for the digital medium.

Saheed Animasaun

A Little Birdie told me...

I was always against Twitter mainly because I had a completely different perception of it. Now that I am a member, find me at "aVirtuousCyn", I've realized there's more to Twitter then reading celebrity tweets.

I immediately started to follow WSJ and NYTimes, Food Network, Rihanna and Pink, oh and Kim K (she has over 4 million followers)!

From the website, I chose to comment on an article about LinkedIn, another networked I've recently signed up for. I linked this article to my Twitter account but failed to post a short sentence on the subject matter. I'll know for next time to add a briefing.

Since I've signed up, I haven't been able to not look at my Twitter page daily although I'm really stumped on what to Tweet about! I also have 2 followers, go me! I would post the link to my page but haven't quite figured that out yet.

Stay tuned...

Eat, Pray, Blog

Blogging should be part of our class because the way of education is changing. Gone are the days of only writing papers, and powerpoint presentations. Of course these forms of learning are still present today, but blogging takes learning to a whole new level. It's about exchanging real talk, real experience with real people.

Business are definitely utilizing social media by giving awareness to their viewers or customers. For example, if you're a TV program throwing in a tag line at the end of their segment to indicate to the audience how else they can communicate their information. Or a business sending direct mail to homes, may also print awareness to the consumer how else they can be found via networks such as Twitter, Facebook, or their webpage.

Cynthia Rodriguez

Digg the News

As a # Kean University Marketing Student I decided to try a new social media tool and this is why I chose this one.

When I read about the different social media sites, I decided to sign up for Digg ( The reason is because I like to keep up with the news and what is going on around the world.

Because Digg is a social news site for people to discover and share news information, I thought this was perfect for me.

I do not always have time to either read the newspaper or watch the news on TV, so this would be a quick and easy way to get the news information I am interest in. I can pick and choose what I want to read about.

The concept behind the site is for users to follow areas of the news, for instance a user could follow “Breaking News” and know what news has just broken. There are many different topics to follow on the site.

A user can read the full article if they choose and then comment on it. Digg has added new features just recently so users can easily fine others who have the same interests. This way they can share their views together.

Digg is looking for a more of community engagement.

When I first signed up, I looked to see what there was on Digg’s site to follow and there are so many different newspapers and news shows around the world. Another feature is you can see who is following the same news as you or see if your friends are on it also.

These are some of the news items I follow:

Today Show: Bullied to Death

NBC New York: Tri-State Residents Cope with Rain, Traffic, Power Problems

The Wall Street Journal: McDonald's Says It May Drop Health Plan

I also follow the NY Times, The New Yorker and Breaking News.

Donna Foerst

I revised my blog by adding a more catchier title and added the areas of news I follow.

My First Blog (2)

Our first day of the class (Monday) introduced me to a new phenomenon: blogging. Clueless and concerned I came home, visited the professor’s site, and read her personal story. Then, I had a better picture.

Blogs are: interactive sites open to visitors to leave comments and even messages.

• You can use them as personal online diaries,
• You can link to other websites, vice versa.
• Add pictures and graphs.
• Add Web pages and other media related issues to main topic.

After having a better picture, I strongly believe blogging is good for our class to use it.

• I can learn and update myself with this new technology,
• I can connect with every student in the class
• I can get my classmates’ feedback and the professor’s comments.
• I can improve my English through blogging banter.

Again, social media is another new area for me. After visiting “You Tube”, and watching many videos on social media, I feel business can be energized by these powerful tools. No way modern business can do without it.

This is a wonderful way to communicate with your customers:
What are they saying about your products?
What other product needs can your company satisfy?

In Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter, My Space
Individuals can create personal accounts
Businesses can use the “Advertising” link to create business pages

Twitter offers great opportunity for realtors to post pictures of their listings. They also can listen to what homeowners and sellers are looking for. In this way, the realtors can respond, give advice, and tips.

From research ( found out the 2010 businesses have increased Social Media Budget as below:

• Retail & E-Commerce 79%
• Publishing & Media 63%
• Computer Hardware & Software 55%
• Business & Consumer Services 54%
• Manufacturing 53%
• Travel & Leisure 52%
• Education & Healthcare 43%

From the information above, I believe business is living up to the expectations of social media in 2010. The majority of business and organizations realize social media is a trend and in order to maximize the profits, social media is a must.
Yes, yes, yes…there are risks. Bad feedbacks on bad products…so…company with bad products with have to think twice about using this powerful tool.

Li Ching Jung


I read Principles of Good Writing and made the writing concise, specific, and interesting both in content and visual appeal. I added different fonts, bolded and bulleted key points. I played and had fun recreating the assignment.

If I had these principles ahead of the assignment, I would have had a more colorful blog…now that I “see” what “Blogging” entails and will work to uphold the key principles.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

RACE to succeed!!!

Social Media plays a huge role in the marketing mix. As we have been discussing in class, today, majority of consumers use the internet to connect to the world, so we need to take our products and use social media to connect with consumers.
The Race framework is and excellent example of how we need to use social media in our marketing mix. We need to Reach our customers, Act on them so they stay interest it, Convert them into loyal consumers and Engage in keeping strong relationships with them. Companies need to be aware that if they want their products/services to succeed, they need an excellent use of social media in order to become a strong brand.

In my opinion one of the companies that has a well use of social media is Starbucks.
They have a well developed website, advertise in different sites (facebook, twitter etc.) they give incentives for you to visit their webpage, for example: they would give you a free coffee if you answer an online survey. Also they have a site called MyStarbucksIdea where you submit ideas for future products, visitors can vote on them and if they are selected they would become part of the Stabucks menu. Which i think is a great hit, since it makes consumers feel as part of the company, and they know that their opinions and ideas matter to the corporation.

Mariana Alfonzo

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yes, I Like What I See!

It has been an active week for the Kean Bloggers and Social Medites. Thank you.

You have thoughtfully commented on each other's blog posts. Some of your are now on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook ~ and are asking for guidance and advice to improve your profiles.

I can't wait to see the revisions on your blog entries from this past week. Your progress and enthusiasm is fantastic.

See you in class or blog, Tweet, LinkIn, Facebook or email beforehand.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Busness Ventures via Social Media

I most definitely agree that business are embracing social media now more then ever. With the current decline in economy, businesses can only gain from using these high powered outlets at low costs.

On sites such as Twitter and Facebook, business can post current news with in seconds of it taking place and successfully reach their target markets, current clientele and future business ventures. In the past companies would rely on press releases, which would be drafted, and sent out to reporters and then published in news outlets. With the rise of social networking sites companies can eliminate the middle man and send direct news with out the chance of having reporters leave out vital company information. This is not to eliminate press releases all together, just a faster alternative to put out breaking company information as it is actually taking place.

Obtaining news on the internet is one of the fastest ways to get the most current articles. Regardless if the public finds that information- on twitter, facebook, or other social media sites. Readers can gain a quick understanding of the news article by reading the headline and then linking back to that companies homepage, which in turn has the possibilities of generating more internal web traffic for that particular company.

If anything, as more and more business become involved with this growing sector of marketing/ advertising the more applications and customizable tools will be developed. I feel this is just the beginning of corporations shaping the way individuals become more social and connected in their everyday lifestyles.

In editing my blog post based on the specific tools we learned in class last week I feel my article is less generalized and more opinion based then when I first posted. I did not realize the assumptions I was making could be construed as a very literal interpretations. I feel that opinion based articles in the blogging world is really the point of this particular sect of social media.

-Kelly Duncan
#Kean University Social Media Marketing Course


I feel blogging should be apart of our Kean University Social Media Marketing class, not only due to the fact that this class is all about social media, but with many forms of learning, by exploiting the hands on approach of "learning by doing" students have yet another opportunity to retain more information. By having social medial outlet in a classroom setting, regardless of subject, students are more likely to take the information they learned during class and keep it with them throughout the week.

By having contact with other fellow students, and access to their opinions coupled with the prospect of contributing individual opinions on chat boards for all to see, makes a student more attentive to his or her own thoughts.

Personally, like many other students mentioned, with classroom blogging, i would like to further enhance my reading, comprehensive, and writing skills from participating in our online discussions and understanding other students view points.

-Kelly Duncan
#Kean University Marketing Course

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blogging, the new tools at kean.

In my opinion blogs have become a very powerful tool for marketing on the web. There is an increase in the number of businesses that are using blogs to promote their services and products as well as to attract more businesses to themselves. Blogs are ease to set up and conveniently easy to use. People often use blogs as points of reference to make decisions regarding the purchase of a product or the use of a service. Also blogs allow people to share opinions, thoughts and points of view from the comfort of their home or office. I think it should be part of our class so that we can practice for future jobs and I hope to gain experience by contributing.

In my opinion I think the majority of businesses are well suited to meet the expectations of social media of today so anyone can go online and find out a website of pretty much any business out there. Also find information about their product and services, their location, schedule and even upcoming project and also anyone can do business online. Right now in 2010 is not really necessary to go in person to any store you can access to almost all the services online.


Blogging is trendy!!!

Hello everyone:

Blogging is a new trend. Not only that is popular with people of all ages but it also makes people feel like blending in a spesific topic.

Blogging should be part of our class because it allows us as #Kean University Marketing Students to learn more about how we share comments, opinions, ideas, etc.

I personally relate all this exhange of communication to a diary when it comes to personal blogs.

On the other hand, business blogs is an option to communicate with customers and/or employees to share knowledge and expertise. It's a fact that blogging is part of social media in these times.

It has gain attention in a market where competition is all about when it comes to business and is our responsibility to use it as a tool of communication.

Businesses are really taking advantages of almost all these tools of online communication. In comparison with e-mail or letters; blogging is a faster and easier way for companies to get feedback, opinions and suggestions of their products or services. Blogs can be updated more regularly than a website.

For example, Jupiter Research, is a wellknown business market research company that has a blog for each company analyst. Their purpose is to connect with their audience on a regular basis.

Yahoo, Google, Microsoft just to name a few are popular companies that uses blogs as a marketing tool.

The number of bloggers are increasing over time and therefore businesses are aware of it.

Jenny A. Contreras

Everyone's Doing It

Blogging is an excellent form of communication that has emerged in the social media industry today. Millions of people all over the world are using blogging and other social media websites such as facebook and twitter to communicate with friends, business partners, customers, etc. Blogging allows us to express our own opinions/experiences in a much more clear and understanding way. Blogging is useful for this class because we only meet once a week and the world doesn't stop while we are out of class. What I mean by that is if an event occurs in the news that relates to a topic we have been discussing we can express our opinions or get a better understanding of a topic in many different perspectives as we have approximately 20 students in our class. As we have a variety of students in our class as far as age, ethnicity and social interests; I hope to get a better understanding of current events/issues in the world today through my fellow classmates opinions and experiences as I will be able to share mine too.

Business's today have been increasing their roles in the social media industry as of late, so the expectations are continuing to increase amongst consumers. Business's have begun using social networks such as facebook to market their products and services. This is an excellent and efficient way to reach their target markets because the marketing is free and effective. However, as we discussed in class today, the business exposes some risks while promoting their products on blogs, message boards and social networks. For instance, a company publishes a faulty product on a social network and consumers give bad reviews they risk losing future business because consumers may not trust the brand name. I think businesses have been doing a great job exposing themselves in the social media today and this trend should continue to increase as the benefits are evident.

Sean Conklin

My First Blog

1.Why should blogging be part of our class and what do you hope to gain by contributing?

On our first day of the class (Monday) it was the first time I ever hear of blogging. When the professor mentioned that we must do homework through blogging. I truly didn’t have any idea and I was very concerned. When I came home I visited her site and read her personal story. I started to have a better picture. I realized the blogs are interactive sites, allowing every visitor to leave comments and even messages. They are different from other websites. You can use them as personal online diaries, add pictures or links to other blogs, or add Web pages and other media related issues to its topic. After having a better picture, I strongly believe blogging is good for our class. Not only for someone like me to learn and update myself with this new technology, but also to help me to connect with every student in the class. By reading what other students have in their minds actually can help me in many different ways. The best of all is I can read what everyone writes, including the professor’s comments. Reading others’ writings is extremely beneficial to me since English is not my first language. For my English, there is always a room for improvements.

2. In your opinion, how well are businesses living up to the expectations for social media in 2010?

Again, social media is another new area for me. However, after visiting You Tube and watching many videos, there is no way any business can do without it.
This is a wonderful way to communicate with your customers. The best of all you can hear what your customers are saying and need. In Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter, My Space you can create a personal account, and use the “Advertising” link to create business pages. I found out the Twitter offers great opportunity for realtors to post pictures of their listing, also being able to listen what homeowners and sellers are looking for. In this way, the realtors can respond, give advises and tips.
From research I found out the 2010 business has increased Social Media Budget as below:
Retail & E-Commerce 79%
Publishing & Media 63%
Computer Hardware & Software 55%
Business & Consumer Services 54%
Manufacturing 53%
Travel & Leisure 52%
· Education & Healthcare 43%
From the information above, I believe business is living up to the expectations of social media in 2010. The majority of business and organizations realized social media is a trend and in order to maximize the profits. It is must be done.
Li Ching Jung

Quite In Class, Loud On Blog

Everybody that is interested in pursuing a career in marketing should get very familiar with face book, twitter, blogging and how to use them when it comes to helping your company. We should add blogging to our class because it helps students like me who does not mind keeping their thoughts to themselves in the class room. With this blog we can now express our thoughts without talking in class. I hope to gain experience on how to use blogging by the end of the semester.
I believe companies are doing a great job in social media and the few companies who were slow to react towards social media are now catching up. As a face book users I am coming across companies everyday throwing their name out there and obviously it is working.

Justin McNeil


Hello everyone,

I think blogging should be part of our #Kean University Marketing Course because it brings a new way for classmates to interact out of the classroom and because blogging is becoming more popular among entertainment companies including racetracks.

Businesses seem to be doing very well as far as living up to the expectations for social media in 2010. I see many commercials ranging from video game products to beer products that have symbols to show they are on facebook and twitter.

I've improved the entry from last week by giving it a title that will grab the attention of a person. I named this entry "Remix" because it is the remix to the first first blog.

If I had the writing principles last week, I would have made my entry more concise, precise and an easier read.

Thomas Cassidy

Social Media

Businesses are introducing new social initiatives to keep their audienced forcused on their (product or service) more efficiently considering we live in a generation revolved around a digital world the time and effort with putting together strategties that will get the audiences attention (interest) Businesses today are coming up with new ways to apply their message within social media by using extreme marketing practices. =)

Tyshera Davis

Blogging in the classroom

Hey class

Blogging is not only about posting and adding pictures to a site it is bigger than that. Blogging is another form in which we create communication among a common interest to expressing issues that will help build our discussions. Blogging in the classroom is a great way to express our ideas and i hope this strategy will benefit with our learning experience throughout the semester.

Tyshera Davis

Assignment 1

I think blogging should be a part of this class because it is a way to communicate and stay up to date all week, not just while we're in class. It also gives people the freedom to interact when they are available, and comment on each other's posts, something that does not always happen in the classroom. I think it's a much better way to learn than simply doing homework. Also, the way news and other information is readily available, it gives us a way to instantly share information. In addition, this is a great opportunity to apply what we discuss and learn in the classroom into a real world setting. I think people get much more out of actively participating in the things they are learning about. I feel the class would be much less impactful if we didn't apply the things we are learning, in this case blogging.

The expectations for social media have risen in recent years. If a company is not online or trying to interact with their customers, they are at a great disadvantage to their competitors that engage in social media and awareness. This method, however, is still in its early stages and many people are still learning how to use social media. While expectations are high, I feel as more people jump on board, the expectations will continue to grow. Businesses have a great opportunity in front of them to engage new and existing customers. Social media is the easiest way to keep people up-to-date on the latest happenings within a company. By offering a special or discount and announcing it through Facebook, Twitter, or some other avenue of social media, a company can draw a great deal of attention to itself. As I said, companies are doing a great job using social media to their advantage, but I feel the demand will increase even more over the next few years.

Michael Capko

Bloggers in Class & Companies go Facebooking!

Hello Class

As a writer, I have had to create a website (which sadly has been a little inactive due to school) with a blog application. I was first hooked onto blogging when I worked along side a fellow intern from Texas Tech who blogged about her adventures in New York city during the course of her intern. While her following was mainly friends from Facebook and family members, I was amazed to see the power of words and ease of access with which now anyone can post opinions and experiences allowing everyone or a select few audience to read it. I feel with our own class blog we all should be able to do the same- contribute, inspire, share opinions and more importantly soak in this new concept of blogging and importantly social media marketing.

I was able to track down the Facebook page for Ford. With the American auto industry in shambles, Ford I do believe has managed to build not only its commercial campaign but also gather viewers and greater market saturation (outreach) via its Facebook page- However, while you see that Ford has gone all out in being thorough with its page, check out Volkswagon's Facebook page:!/VW?v=wall. A stark contrast can be seen between the two, one being very professional and generating marketing while the other going off of user generated data. I feel for companies to keep their following in such a competitive and volatile market today, presentation and constant updates are a must. More importantly, it needs to appear dynamic, fresh and professional.

Alexander Mathew

Blogging In Class Is Educational

Blogging is a form of social media, and I think it would be a great idea for us to engage our class in it. Posting our views and commenting on others’ views is educational.

In my opinion, many businesses in the private sector are increasingly using social media. Given the nature of their work, I think public companies aren't there yet.

This post is an edited version of a previous post entitled Assignment 1. I'm very thankful to my professor for the lesson on how to write well a blog.

I changed the blog title - hope its catching now. And I cut the body down to two paragraphs of two lines each.

As you might notice, I even inserted an image below the title just so to catch your attention. What do you think?

Abaya Sannor

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social Media and Businesses

In your opinion, how well are businesses living up to the expectations for social media in 2010?

As a # Kean University Marketing Student, I hope to learn how well businesses are using social media in their business. Because I’m new to social media, I read and talk to others during the week about social media. Now I understand little bit more about social media and can see that businesses are living up to the expectations for social media in 2010.

Different business websites are using the share button, so visitors can share the site with others on Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites. And second companies are adding the Facebook, LinkIn, or other social media icons that will link to their companies’ page on these social media sites.

Social media is a great way for businesses to reach out to their customers and also a way for potential customers or visitors to find out about them. Each year the rise of businesses using social media has grown because businesses are starting to realize the importance about social media.

Social media is not something that is going away at time soon.

Below are two different companies using social media to their advantages:

Walgreens – Share button

Proctor and Gamble (P&G) – Links to their social media pages.

Donna Foerst

Summarize how I improved my blog and what I would have done differently had I known these writing principles.

When I first wrote my blogs they had more than two lines of copy and more than one idea.

I have shorten my paragraphs to either 1 or 2 lines and they are brief and to the point. I made sure who my primary and secondary audiences are.

Marketing Students Use Blogging at Kean

# Kean University’s Social Media Marketing Students are learning by blogging.

Should blogging be part of our class and what do I hope to gain by contributing to it as a # Kean University Marketing Student?

My first thought was to say it would not be good because I do not have any previous knowledge about social media. And you say how could that be in this day-in-age. But it is true.

After thinking a little bit more and doing some research, I think blogging should be and would be a very good for the marketing students to use blogging for our discussions. First because for myself, I’m not being familiar with blogging, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media tools, it will give me a start to understand what all the buzz is about with social media and why everyone is using it.

It also is a good way for all the marketing students in my class to participate in the classroom. Sometimes some students do not speak up in class because they are shy or there just is not enough time to get everyone’s opinion.

With blogging everyone will get to voice their opinion and be able to share their ideas about the different topics in the class. Also each of us might get some ideas from the other students, we might not have thought about ourselves.

This will be great opportunity for me understand social media, since this is the way of the future and I will be gaining more information and new ideas along the way.

Also after I fully understand social media, I can than apply it to marketing and se the impact social media has on marketing today.

Donna Foerst



Bloggin is now the new way of communicating without actually speaking face to face to a person. Most companys use bloggin as a way of advertising a product or simply promoting good reviews about a person place or thing.

Blogging should definitely be apart of our class. By blogging, bloggers can easily get a point across in a matter of minutes and also retrieve valuable information by reading blogs. This form of communication helps students keep up on what is going on.

By using a blog in this class, I believe it will help everyone communicate efficiently. By contributing to the blog, one can gain new thoughts and ideas from others. Blogging is considered a virtual brainstorming area, where everyone has a chance to voice their opinions and views and can ultimately help someone.

Businesses are starting to notice that many connect to sites such as facebook and twitter on a daily basis. In order to have a successful business, their usage of technology is mandatory. Keeping up with the times is a must. Technology is at a all time high at this point and businesses must keep up with it. The new way of keeping businesses alive is virtual networking, which is now the quickest way for a business to grow.

Blogging can also be a downfall for businesses especially if a consumer post bad reviews. Other consumers will begin to read the bad reviews and could possbly opt of of doing business with that specific company because of a bad review written by an unhappy consumer.

If I had a better understanding of the writing principles before posting my intial post, I would have been more direct and consistent within my posts along with using a catchy subject line for my post.

Kashanna Johnson

"Blogging, Social Media Tools and Trying It Out" (9/20 class)

Thank you for a great class this week (9/20). The discussion on blogging and other tools was interesting and I am looking forward to sharing the "Role of Social Media in the Marketing Mix."

Here are the assignments for next week:

  • Review your blog entry from last week based upon the writing principles we discussed in class. At the end of the entry, summarize how you improved your blog entry and what you would have done differently had you known these writing principles beforehand.

  • Check Out Social Media Examiner and review and bookmark
    • Identify the blog entry that is most interesting to you
    – Post a comment that blog entry
    – Print the blog entry
    – Prepare to share the blog entry and discuss it during our next class

  • Try a new social media tool
    • Sign-up, test it, try it out, keep it updated
    • Write about it: what you tried, why you picked, experience
    • Use proper writing techniques

  • Do some reading:
    • The New York Times article -- and be prepared to discuss it next week.

Also, feel free to share feedback on the class in the "comments section" of this entry.


Time to Sign Up for News Commentary Presentations

Every day, there are news stories about social media and networking ~ privacy issues, global impact, role within business, connecting with consumers, changing demographics, etc.

An important part of your grade is:
  • Identifying a news topic

  • Finding a news story of interest to you

  • Printing copies for everyone in class

  • Preparing a presentation of the topic

  • Facilitating a discussion with the class

You will be graded on your understanding of the news topic and your presentation / discussion.

A different student will present each week. Please use this blog entry to sign-up for your week - place your name next to the date that you would like to present. More than one student can present each week, but no more than 2 each week.

  • October 4:

  • October 11:

  • October 18:

  • October 25:

  • November 1:

  • November 8:

  • November 15:

  • November 22:

  • November 29:

  • December 6:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Perri Richman

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Get BloGgEd!!!

Hi class,
I think blogging should be part of our class because it is an easier and faster way to share our thoughts with one another. sometimes we do not have time to stay after class and chat with our classmates about the class or even our personal lives, so maybe through blogging we would be able to create and maintain a closer connection with the classmates and obviously the professor.

Companies are now beginning to realize how important social media has become, and are trying to be more active when in comes to social media; as we mentioned in class most business are now opening facebook and twitter accounts to try and reach more customers. they are encouraging their employees to talk about their work (in a positive manner) in their own personal Facebook/Twitter accounts. Not going to far, my boss actually asked me to open a facebook group of our company so we can try and connect more with our former customers and try to gain new ones in the process as well.
I believe that social media is extremely important today, and every business should use it to communicate and build connections with their customers.
Mariana Alfonzo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Assignment 1

Hello Class, so I'm the first post.....greaaat!Well I think that blogging should be a part of our class because it's a form a socializing. Blogging with others should be interesting. It will be helpful to read the views, ideas and opinions of others, as I'm sure they will be all different. I also think it's important to blog because it helps build writing skills and helps us to better put together our thoughts and feelings on paper, or on the internet in this case. For me, I find that I am a much better communicator when I write. I can think slower, gather my thoughts, write, erase, write, and I actually make more sense (I think) . Also, I feel that blogging is a great way to communicate with real people with real life experiences. I think it's being able to relate that interests me the most. What I hope to gain from contributing is becoming a better writer, building my communication skills and most importantly reading what others have to say, plus feedback. Since blogging is so popular, maybe it's something I can continue to use in some form throughout my life and career.
Im my opinion I feel that businesses are mostly living up to the expectations for social media today. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see another company or organization displaying their link to a social network such as Facebook and Twitter. I knew it was serious when the morning news says you can find this story on our FB page or follow us on Twitter. Retailers and manufacturers are connected with the social media in everyway they can from advertising, to print ads, to direct mail, special events, also noting their links to a popular social network. Now, what I don't know is if all of the extra social network connection is actually working for them. I mean how many people choose FB or Twitter to access a news channel? I'm not sure but for me, I'd rather go to their website, watch it or pick up a newspaper. However, I could be part of a very small percentage of people that doesn't use the social site.Overall, I think business are utilizing social media just don't know how successful it really is for them.
Cynthia Rodriguez

Monday, September 13, 2010

Assignments from 9/13/2010 Class

Cougar socialites,

Thank you for your participation in class tonight. Below please find the assignment for next week. If you have any trouble getting the books, please let me know! And don't forget, when you blog, write your full name at the bottom of your entry.

Finally, I can't post the PowerPoint to this entry. I will set it up on Blackboard. If you want it emailed directly to you, please let me know.

Article “Top 10 Expectations for Social Media for 2010” Article
Writing for Digital Media: Chapter. 1
Social Media for Business: Chapter 4

: Create your first two entries in our class blog
•Answer the question: Why should blogging be part of our class and what do you hope to gain by contributing?
•In your opinion, how well are businesses living up to the expectations for social media in 2010?
•You are encouraged to use the dialogue with your classmates on these topics

Perri Richman