Kean University's first cutting edge social media marketing class with 17 students developed this blog to explore the in's and out's of social media. #Kean University marketing for social media blog includes, but is not limited to, current market trends and highlighting digital writing practices, all while engaging in reader commentary. This blog offers analysis and insights from New Jersey's Kean University "Social Media for Marketing" students.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Super Bowl!!
rodlin pierre
Can Social Media Change Lives And Politics?
The gravity of the devastation left behind in Haiti by the earthquake was far beyond imagination. The level of outcry was such that traditional media alone couldn’t handle mobilizing resources to help the people of Haiti.
The government of China stands to censor the internet, but how long will this last given the speed at which information technology is growing? Just like the rest of world, the Chinese people want to engage and interact with others. In a blog post, Google announced that it would no longer censor its Chinese search engine, even if it means pulling out of China entirely.
Ben Parr, Co-Editor of Mashable, wrote an article, Social Media’s True Impact on Haiti, China, and the World. The article highlights how ordinary citizens of Iran used social media to inform the world of what was happening during the presidential elections crisis.
According Ben Parr, it was impressive how charity text message campaign raised more than $10 million for Haiti victim relief. He enlightened that social media tools are breaking through China’s great firewall.
I wouldn’t think that social media tools (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blog, etc) are replacing traditional media, but rather; they have taken the world of communication to a whole new level. Leave a comment telling me what you think of social media’s role in society.
Abaya Sekou Sannor
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Kean University Marketing Students Here is Something to Think About
My social media case was about the 2009 Domino’s Pizza scandal. The video shows one domino’s pizza employee contaminating food as his coworker video tapes and enjoys the malicious act. The reach of this video is of global proportions, it damaged the reputation of Domino’s Pizza worldwide. The store where this happened was closed but the impact of this video affected the entire franchise. Even if this was an isolated incident, after watching this video millions of people will refrain from buying at Domino’s Pizza. Such a foolish mistake resulted in a lot of damage and criminal prosecution.
There is really no method that will prevent incidents like the above described will not continue to happen other than being more careful when hiring employees. Social media channels are great to advertise and promote products, but at the same time they are equally effective to damage and reduce the popularity of any business at any given time.
Orcania Burgos
News Commentary: “Which site would be better for Kean University marketing students to post their business ad?”
This article is based on a study conducted by Social Twist which makes a comparison between facebook and twitter. The author provides a series of pros and cons for using each websites and reaches the conclusion that using twitter is a much better marketing choice than facebook. According to the author twitter offers more return on investment, reaches a more specific audience and consumer bases, and avails itself with a technologically sophisticated audience. On the other hand, facebook’s biggest asset, its large social media traffic, is also considered as a negative point because many of the users are not target consumers.
In my opinion, twitter looks like a more professional site and facebooks like a more social site. At the same time however if I had to advertise a product I would still go for facebook since it is a much bigger site. However, I also think that instead of choosing between sites a smarter idea to increase exposure levels is to post ads on as many sites as possible.
Orcania Burgos
Monday, November 29, 2010
The side you probably didn't know about Twitter
But what if I told you that you can use Twitter for analytical purposes such as following statistics on tweets for free?
How Can I Do This?
After reading the article "3 Ways Twitter Analysis Can Enhance Your Marketing" from the social media examiner, I realized it was possible to see how successful your tweets actually are.
Simply adding a + sign at the end of the URL linking consisting a and you are in business. Popping up will be a window showing how effective your tweets are as the total traffic appears for your tweet.
The traffic details include the total number of clicks, referrers (where the reader found the tweet) and location of the reader.
As an example check out this link, but be sure to include the plus sign or you will go straight to the original tweet.
What I've Learned
Although not all tweets use a link, it is possible to track the effectiveness on those which include them by simply adding a plus sign. This can be used as an effective technique to determine the target audience and where to reach them.
In addition, offers a modified service called Enterprise for $995 a month which is an advanced version of the Pro. With the Enterprise you can view more in depth data from the tweet such as real time analytics feed and an advanced dashboard.
Sean Conklin
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Facebook shut down pages !
Imagine finding out at your surprise that our class blog, Innovative Marketing @ Kean University, was shut down and then later reinstated after couple of days by Google.
And there you were asking questions like - what really happened? “I mean, what did we do to deserve this?” asked the other guy. Of course, we couldn’t wait to get some answers from our master of social media - professor Perri.
As we waited to hear from the professor why our favorite class blog was treated like a thing of less value, a classmate alleged that Google received complaints from Kean University that our class blog had engaged in an activity that wasn’t within the sites rules.
Wow! This must be the craziest thing to imagine you would like to think. But here’s the point: can an institution like a government gets Facebook to close down pages of political or social activists?
That was the question I asked myself when I read the article “Egypt Facebook vanish before vote: members”, and I thought I should share it with the class. Were the pages shut down and then reinstated before or after investigation by Facebook?
But wait..., it could be just another proof of how effective social media has become and that sometimes some big institutions can’t stand it. Please let me know what’s your take on the article.
Abaya Sannor
Friday, November 26, 2010
AlumWire – Facebook Meets LinkedIn.
AlumWire is a new social network designed to create professional opportunities for college students, alumni and faculty members. As far as I’m aware, you need a .edu email address or an invite to sign up. You can also log in with your Facebook account details – another good use of the Facebook API. The service began at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley, and over 1000 US colleges are supported. Employers can use the network for recruiting, and students can use it to connect professionally.
Simply put, Alumwire is Facebook with business networking: you create a profile, add a resume and join business-related networks. There’s also a calendar and messaging. But the problem it faces (and the main reason it definitely won’t take off, aside from a lightweight feature set) is the same as many of the services that support the Facebook API: it would be trivial for Facebook to add this stuff if they wanted to. What’s more, Facebook is already being used by employers, whether the students like it or not. That said, the growing number of services adding support for the Facebook API can only be a good thing: perhaps one day we’ll see a killer service built on it that Facebook decides to snap up and integrate into the core product.
Boy Meets Girl: How Facebook Functions In Modern Romance.
There’s no denying that Facebook has had an impact on the way the younger set flirt, fall in love and break up. Now,Seventeen magazine has released a study that depicts just what kind of repercussions the social networking site has had on modern courtship.
“Teens are incredibly social, and Facebook plays a huge role in their love lives,” says Ann Shoket, editor-in-chief of Seventeenmagazine.
According to the study — which polled 10,000 guys and girls ages 16 to 21 — Facebook plays an important part in how amorous teens make a connection. Within one week of meeting a new person, 79% of people click “friend,” and after adding a new friend; 60% of people stalk their crush’s profile once a day (40% check in on their would-be soulmate several times a day). Moreover, contrary to beliefs that social networking is erroding interpersonal communication, 72% of those surveyed said that talking to someone online brings you closer to them IRL.
After Presenting my case study the last class, I found all the opinions and thoughts interesting on the subject of how teens use facebook to find love and stalk one another.
News Commentary Sign-up
Thank you
Alexander Mathew
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I just wanted to take a few minutes to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful day in company of family and friends and
surrounded by love, laugh and prosperity!!!
Mariana Alfonzo
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Who's Tracking My Social Media Posts?
Having used YouTube over the last 4 years I have noticed the changes the video search engine has gone through. But none more than what stood out with the YouTube analytics. We always hear about "Oh, such and such video got a million hits!" I wondered too and then it just passed as a thought. We all moved on to the next "YouTube phenom" with two million hits.
Who's Watching?
Well- who's watching that video? What countries is your video being watched in? Who likes it and who dislikes it? What demographic of users are watching your video? When onwards did your video start getting attention? These were all questions that remained unanswered till YouTube inserted the "Like and Dislike" button under every video be it user generated or sponsored ones. So now we know how much of an audience our video has. Congratulations,buzz has been created!
YouTube Analytics
That was a small step. But, YouTube being smart took it to the next level. All hail analytics. The analytics on today's YouTube page is a tiny button (see picture insert below) that allows any user with a click to have all those previously mentioned questions answered in an instant. Not to mention, for corporations it comes as a huge tool to see how effective their social media campaigns are and who they might be missing.
Alexander Mathew
Monday, November 15, 2010
Blog with Kean University
During my experience here at Kean University, I have learned the meaning of social media along with digital writing skills.
For example, I never knew that blogging relates to social media.
The marketing and social media classes available here at Kean University are considered to be a great learning experience especially for the upcoming generation.
Personally, I would recommend this marketing course as a requirement because of how useful social media is today.
Kashanna Johnson
it follows the early procces of thousands of prospects as they go though the process of recruitment to colleges and the ultimately being drafted to pro teams. the web site allows users to rank these prospects and blog comments on them.
The page uses great ditigal writing to draw good attention by putting Eye-catching headlines. for example "RODLIN PIERRE HAS WHAT IT TAKES TO BE THE #1 PICK IN THIS YEARS DRAFT" just an example but the editors on this site do a great job on that. i first was involed with this website when my cousin became a national prospect years ago. then more and more of family members and friends i knew became prospects with a rivals profile. this site does a great job in tracking elite h.s. basketball players in the country and follows them though out the years on their college recruiting process and if good enough their professional playing process
over the years the site have become bigger and bigger to the point that it was purchased my Yahoo a few years ago..
increasing SEO to our blog
1. Using FaceBook.
Using Facebook can increase the blog SEO because of the popularity of the Facebook site. By increasing the SEO using Facebook we can set a group about our blog. (Ive seen that by doing so it comes up once you have type it on Google. i see that it comes very useful as a promotional tool for up and coming companies).
2. More Visits More Popularity.
based on my experience during my time playing basketball here at Kean University, and on our game recaps and box-score that are sent out throughout the internet i notice that the game that were more searched for was the game results that were more popular and a lot easier to find as the day progressed. So it would be wise to visit an edit our blog as mush as possible.
Rodlin Pierre
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Social Media Mkt Class@Kean University!

The only issue with a Facebook ad however is that Facebook charges a rate to post on their site. You can choose how much to budget but there is a fee involved. Thus my search to optimize and boost our blog's searchability stopped! :( Sorry, I am a student and maybe Kean's Marketing Department could take up charge to try marketing to its students via Facebook.
Tweeting Kean U Talk 2 Me:
I took the time to tweet our blog's link on toTwitter. I plan on leaving it up there till I find something better to tweet about :)

The Result?
I am not claiming credit for this Google ranking. No, not at all. I believe our combined efforts "as a class" helped boost our blog to the top of a Google search.
Type in "Kean University Social Media Blog" and we have the top 2 rankings in Google's search. I say this is a significant boost from back in Sep-Oct when we had to browse past page 6 on Google to get to one of our posts and the blog. Good job class!!
Next stop- Putting our blog online on to Kean's homepage (or) the Marketing Department homepage. That's for my second attempt! :)
Alexander Mathew
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Increasing the SEO of the Social Media Class at Kean University
In addition, I shortened the description of the post including key words easily recognized by Google. For example I used the word digital and the word writing, both of which were not in the original description.
Orcania Burgos
Monday, November 8, 2010
Successful digital writer - The New York Time
The New York Times website continuously undergoes updates and modifications. A lot of readers have expressed their opinions, criticism, and suggestions through the years allowing the site to grow and improve. I feel it a little out place for someone like me who is not an expert editor or blogger, to attempt to change such a prestigious and successful website. However, there are two thing that if left to my whim I would change in an instant about the site. I want to explain that this is only from a reader’s point of view only. I would first separate the ads from the news, probably by confining all the advertisement to the classified section. Secondly I would eliminate subscription making it completely free for all users alike. Other than these two unrealistic modifications I think the site it is a great site.
Orcania Burgos
The Power of the Average User
However, I took the liberty to see if the Facebook page was still up and if anything was changed. The answer is yes and yes. Here is the link to the up to date Honda Accord Crosstour page!/hondacrosstour
Following the deletion of several negative and misrepresented comments, the Facebook page still exists and is "liked" by 11,298 Facebook fans to date.
However, there are still those who bash the vehicle and the comments remain on the page. Most are senseless vague remarks, although some users such as Josh Hotles on October 26th, 2010 exhibit true complaints that can be addressed by Honda for future reference.
Honda has added 14 interior photos and 6 more exterior photos. In addition, users can add photos of their car which may include custom paint jobs or other unique work done to their car.
Leaving the Facebook page up allows Honda to receive direct criticism for free. While the Accord Crosstour 2010 may go down as a failure; Honda is most definitely considering and appreciating Facebook user comments. as they help improve the Crosstour or even consider other models.
Hope this has resolved your unanswered questions.
Sean Conklin
"If You Build They Will Come"

Country Music and Blogging to Help Rank on Google!
I also changed my headline from last week's post and included the words social media.
There are a few different ways to increase the SEO for a blog or a web site including:
- using words that are highly searched (such as social media for example)
- including pictures in posts
- keeping blogs updated on a regular basis
- talking about current events.
And for one current event, as I write this post, I am listening to country music and just heard a few commercials for the CMA Awards, which will be held this Wednesday on ABC. I know I'll be watching.
Thomas Cassidy
Facebook Got Me Here!
The first things that came to mind were:
- change the headlines
- change the name of our blog
- add more images
- use more searchable words
Then, I went to search us on google (just like Kelly did) and also came across Alexander's blog about Facebook.
which made me realize that what we need to do is link to or mentioned websites that are extremely well known in our blog posting .i.g. Facebook, twitter etc.
That way when people are searching those type of websites, our blog would also come up.
We have to keep in mind, that if our SEO increases, our responsibility as bloggers does too.
We need to keep improving our blogging, keep making our blog interesting so that more readers would search us and join us in this blogging journey.
Mariana Alfonzo
#Kean University Marketing Students
Traffic: The Good Kind!
While searching for my subject through Google, Yahoo or wherever, I seldom scroll past the third or fourth page.
With that in mind I am missing hundreds, thousands, or even millions of potential suitable sites whose data is simply going to waste.
I tried searching for our blog using a few terms the common Kean University student may use and it was rather difficult to find our blog.
In fact, to be quite honest I found several other useful blogs that would be sufficient for a Kean/college bound student, so the search ultimately has ended without our blog receiving any traffic.
So...What can be done to increase traffic?
- Adjust the site URL to the suitable target audience to a more specific yet concise URL
- Create more inbound links to our blog
- Make sure every blog post and comment contains a link back to our blog. The more URL's listed the more the search engine server recognizes our site.
- For each blog entry identify a few key labels to what the general idea of the article is. (Labels are located in the bottom right hand corner of new blog post)
Driving traffic is the most important step to SEO. After reaching users it is vital we maintain the users we have acquired by keeping our blog active through daily posts and comments.
We can start driving traffic today by putting ourselves out there so to speak by attaching our link to social websites such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition following comments we may add to blogs attaching our blog link is essential to increase traffic and recognization.
Sean Conklin
Facebook Brought Me Here...
When I typed in "Kean u Talk 2 Me" a posting by Alexander Mathew about Facebook brought our blog up on Goolge!
In the number 7 spot-- First Page!
I know a lot of us are using the key ingredients to good digital writing, and I feel that this post brought up our rankings on Google because Mathew embedded two links and used searchable key words in his posting.
Hopefully a very simple way for us as a class to increase our blog's searchability is to follow Mathew's lead and:
- incorporate urls
- Use key words
- and blogging about current news topics to increase our traffic.
--Kelly Duncan
#Kean University Marketing For Social Media
"Digital Writing" - You Either Know It Or You Don't
To improve their websites all companies should keep the blogs interesting and current. Also i like to see a picture or some type of information about the author. And of course get straight to the point with.
The check out blog for Walmart is a very effective blog. They have a lot of pictures to relate to their post and they even have a check out the authors section that briefly talks about each author.
Justin McNeil
Sunday, November 7, 2010
More Traffic to Our Site!!
SEO means finding ways to increase our site's appearance in web visitors' search results. This generally means more traffic to our blog.
I think that to get started, we as a class and part of our Kean blog, should be conscious about placing appropriate keywords throughout the blog.
Every aspect of our blog should be consider:
- Titles
- Content
- URLs
- Links--I just linked the blog to my facebook page and IT WORKS! It really increased the SEO.
- Images
When i look for information on a specific topic online, i try to narrow my searchings to specific keywords. The more relevant words, the more likely the page is to appear in search results. So, lets start thinking of keywords as search terms.
Also, I agree with the suggestion of changing the title of our blog in class. I think there are too many prepositions that makes the searchings not to appear at first. May be we can try "Kean Media talks" or #Kean University Marketing Students.
As as personal experience i have been making changes on all my blog postings. Not only i tied up the content of my posts to the title but also i have changed some general words to keywords.
Moreover, i have been linking all my posts to my facebook page to increase our SEO. After searching for our class blog in google, i noticed we come up as a third option in the google page!!
It seems that our efforst for increasing our SEO is actually working!!
Jenny A. Contreras
Kean U Blog for Social Media Students
It may not reach thousands of people but it could very well reach a few hundred.
Also, possibly changing the name of the blog. Using key terms and phrases with in the headline may increase SEO. For instance, changing the name to Kean U Social Media Student Bloggers
I've also tried to design the headline for this post using key terms to maximize SEO.
Cynthia Rodriguez
Exploring and Invitation
• With the title “Exciting Blog”, I got no result after searching from page one to ten. I didn’t continue after page ten.
• Same as “Exciting Blog”: I can’t find it after ten pages with the title of “Jungle Blog”.
• I faced the identical problem with “Blog with Style”.
With the original title name, Socialmediaexaminer = Eyecatcher, Google search engines returned the first three blogs as follows:
1) Kean U Talk 2 Me: Big Blue Coming Through!
2) Kean U Talk 2 Me: I want news and I want it FAST!
3) Kean U Talk 2 Me
My Conclusion
Since our web site is not a paid listing site, Kean University Marketing for Social Media, and contains no images and video, we are still among the top three search results because the title “Socialmediaexaminer = Eyecathcer” fantastic SEO results. So I would keep the original title.
Invite Your Friends and Peers
In order to bring more traffic to our class blog, Kean University Marketing for social Media, I first thought it would be good idea to start to get my friends and peers to participate. So I invited my friends to become my Facebook friends.
• I sent everyone on my Yahoo e-mail list an invitation (about 200 people). Next
morning I received more than 20 requested mails saying the contacts would like to be my friends.
• After I clicked on “Confirm Friend” box and went to visit their Facebook pages, I couldn’t believe how many more friends I could add to my invitation just from these friends’ lists.
The best of all, these lists not only incorporated friends from US, China and Taiwan that I know, but also the people from Indonesia, and Africa, and some parts of Middle East that I have absolutely no connection with. Suddenly, I went global!!!
I Think I Will Send Facebook Invitations to These New Lists.
I figure these new lists will definitely increase our SEO. So I sent them invitations. A very funny feeling came to me after couple of people responded. I was afraid to click on “Confirm Friend” box because I really don’t know these people whether they are trustworthy or not.
Actually, I am very anxious to find out what my friends will think of our class blog. I also want those friends to be proud of me because I am now a blogger!!! Showing off!!!
Some of them may be expert bloggers. If this is the case, I’d like to have their feedback so I can learn from their expertise as I am just a beginner.
Not Everyone Will Participate
I realize not everyone I invited responded to my invitation. Inviting my friends to our blog site not only increases traffic, but also helps to get some dialogue going.
This is really a powerful way to increase traffic. If each one of our classmates would do what I did for the last couple of days, we can bring in thousands of traffic by just inviting people from our personal e-mail lists.
We Should Retain Our Visitors Afterward
In order to retain our visitors after they check out our site, our classmates can do following:
• Have our blog build in some style: post some interest pictures, videos, and class activities.
• Have all our classmates follow all the digital writing rules.
• Create pages that always have clear topic headlines (I am learning myself).
• Use simple and straightforward global English language.
• Use clear, precise, grammatical and accurate text written with energy and
active voice.
• Keep all paragraphs short, so it can be easy on readers’ eyes.
Above are all the points Perri has emphasized every week. Although I try to keep it up, I know I haven’t always been able to do it all. Well, older people just don’t learn new tricks as easily!!!
Li Ching Jung
Kean’s Blog needs More Traffic
One Key Element of SEO
I hope by implementing one key element in search engine optimization (SEO) that this would increase traffic to our class blog. In doing this it will boost the ratings in the SEO results.
The first thing I thought about searching on search engines is how I go about searching for information and that is using keywords or phrases depending on what I’m looking for.
I feel that developing keyword and phrases is the most important step in developing a successful SEO. I feel keywords should be relevant to what you are writing and the place where you are linking.
To help increase the SEO on our class blog, I decided to redo and old blog post I had done in the beginning of the class, “Blogging in the Classroom?"
I change the headline on November 3rd to read “Marketing Students Use Blogging at Kean.” I feat if a user was searching for information on marketing or Kean University, the blog should come up in the search engine.
I also changed some of the wording to have more keywords that I thought maybe a user would search for.
How did the changes affect the blogs searching results?
I did many searches after updating the older blog I created back in September and changed on November 3rd and did not find a difference.
When searching I tried different word combinations and actually used the whole title as my search and this did not bring up the blog. I even search for my name and this also did not bring up any searches.
In the end my thoughts are that the search engines are not indexing the site once they send out their spiders or the settings for the blog does allow for searching this blog.
Because searching any of the other articles also did not bring them up in searches.
Donna Foerst
Friday, November 5, 2010
Homework due Monday, 11/8
Change the headline from your last blog posting to increase SEO
Implement 1 idea for increasing the SEO of our class blog
Write about what you did to increase our SEO and the impact in our class blog
Questions and objectives for the class campaign
Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: Chapter 4,5,7,10
Follow the Stars is a site that updates readers on the lives of celebrities. I do not believe it is the best reliable source on the insight of a celebrity’s life but it has tons of followers and it definitely keeps my attention.
The website consists of good digital writing skills because it keeps the attention of readers, their pictures and videos are eye catching and the articles are shocking.
After hearing about this site from a friend, I have become addicted. Once addicted, the site gains more readers daily such as people like I. What I truly love is the follow up of articles posted and the comments from other readers.
This social media keeps celebrities and fans connected. This site has blossomed. I have heard celebrity publicists mention this site as a main go to site to see if any bad articles or reviews were mentioned about their artist.
From what I hear this site has been around for many years and I have to honestly say that I have been following them for the past four years and to this day I continue to read their articles first thing in the morning.
Kashanna Johnson
Big Blue Coming Through!, contains great digital writing techniques to gain the attention of readers. This site can allow you to order tickets for games by just clicking a button, list stats, and blog with other Giants fans.
This site consists of short ads which will keep the reader’s attention. I am a diehard Giants fan, so it does not take much to keep my attention on this site.
Even those who are not interested in football can easily be drawn to this site because of its great writing tactics. When I first took a look at this site, I was amazed by their writing technique.
There are many advertisements and pop ups which can lead to other articles not only pertaining to the New York Giants but also other teams in the NFL.
This sites seems to follow most of the digital writing points, such as eye catching headlines, ability to connect with other Giants fans, updated schedules and scores and also interesting but short articles to keep the attention of the reader.
Big Blue is definitely coming through 2010 – 2011. We will see you at the Super Bowl!!!!
Kashanna Johnson
Good Writing Speaks For Itself
As a consumer, Good Digital Writing has an impact on me. It enables me to understand and make distinction between well written media and the ones that are not.
Good Digital Writing engages readers, and it has been an opened-eye for me to understand why I always never like reading long and boring ads and posts.
Long paragraphs, inconsistency, and poor grammar can be a turnoff for potential readers. It takes effort to write well on screen.
This article, “Facebook offers partner deals on clothes, food, movies,” follows the rules of Good Digital Writing as I would like to think.
Besides the writing, the contend of the article is impressing, and I think its a marketing strategy to get more people to want to use Facebook.
According to the article, Facebook on Wednesday began offering coupons from various retailers, including a promotion from Gap which will give away 10,000 pairs of jeans.
An article or any piece of writing speaks for itself.
Abaya Sannor
Thursday, November 4, 2010
My Core Website to Visit!
This site encompasses all there is to know about Industrial Design. Core77 is more then just an information hub, it also doubles as a great resource for all industrial designers--practicing and those just beginning.
What makes this site so fantastic, other then being easy to navigate, is that it offers so much information on design all in one easy to find spot.
Core77 gives you the most current information like:
- Articles related to design news, current design trends, and the like.
- Insight on design events from all over the globe- like the London Design Festival of 2010.
- Current design competitions that you can participate in.
- Book Reviews on design
- New Materials or technology
- Interactive discussion feeds
- Information on design firms from around the world
- The best is Coroflot! This is an actual “social site” so to say, where students and designers can post their online portfolios, interact with one another and view job/internship postings.
Great Headlines!
With Core77 being geared towards creative designers, the site is complete with nice graphics, cool pictures and fun headlines- like the one below for a poster design competition.
Great News!
Each article is short and to the point. All you really need to know about the topic is well written and explained with the most common design language.
Learn Design Jargon!
This also doubles as a great learning tool for student designers to become familiar with studio jargon.
Serious About Design!
Anyone who is serious about design is mostly likely very familiar with this site.
To say the least Core77 is a more then just a great place to gain the most current knowledge of what is happening in the design world. It is also a place for designers to get recognized, socialize and find employment opportunities.
Check it out here and tell me what you think!
-Kelly Duncan
#Kean University Marketing Course
Monday, November 1, 2010
My Starbucks Idea!
The site allows users to submit suggestions to be voted on by Starbucks consumers, and the most popular suggestions are highlighted and reviewed.
MyStarbucksIdea has four components:
- Vote: The site let's you easily see what other people have suggested and vote on the ideas you agree with. The community decides what's important and what is not.
- Share: Where community members post their Starbucks Idea. Anyone can post an idea.
- Discuss: Community members discusses ideas with other customers and about 40 Starbucks Idea Partners from various departments answer questions and provide feedback to the discussions.
- See: In addition, Starbucks took a step further and added an "Ideas in Action" blog/tab is the proof.
Here is where Starbucks announce what actions have been taken and have further discussion about top ideas.
As a #Kean University Marketing for Social Media student; I know that the purpose of a business using social media is to increase their revenue through communicating better with their own customers, and employees who at the same time can be also consumers.
I think that by empowering this exceptionally site, Starbucks strengthens their campaign to add a personal touch to coffee.
Jenny A. Contreras
This Just In: Social Media!
Being someone who works in the horse racing industry, it’s not hard for a site that covers the game to be appealing to me, but there is one site that I always look to first and that is
Since taking a #Kean University marketing course that focuses on social media, I have learned a new appreciation for the way is run.
You may be asking, what is It is the web site for the Daily Racing Form, a daily publication that covers horse racing around the clock.
The Daily Racing Form’s web site is the place to go to find out all of the latest updates and breaking news stories about the racing industry. It holds especially true for this week with the Breeders’ Cup World Championships less than four days away.
To find out what the Breeders’ Cup is, see
This Daily Racing Form web site does a terrific job of following the rules for digital writing, as it keeps a consistent image and puts the most important topics above the scroll. This is very important to me because I can find out the latest news as soon as the page loads without having to scroll down.
It also keeps a format that can be recognized by frequent visitors because it follows the similar pattern.
The web site also provides a search engine in case you would like to search a certain subject that has happened.
The headlines that are provided for each of the topics covered may not be the most creative, but they do their job and that job is to get the attention of the reader. Here is an example of a headline found from their web site: Temple City will skip Breeders’ Cup Marathon.
The headline may not be considered to be very creative, but what it does is grab the attention of the reader. I clicked on the headline as soon as I saw it to find out why this horse will not be racing this weekend.
That leads me to another thing this web site does well and that is enable their headlines to link to the story.It is quite convenient to be able to click on the headline and get entire story.
The Daily Racing Form also has their own bloggers and those blogs can be found on this web site. Their blogs usually offer great insight, but do not often follow the same format as our class does.
To see what I’m talking about, here’s a link to a recent blog posted on the Daily Racing Form web site,
I do not have any issues with the way this web site is run, but I do have a big issue with the way another site is set up. That web site is It’s another web site that covers the latest news in horse racing, but all of their links and headlines are scattered all over the place.
It is difficult to find the latest news on that site because the links are not in a particular order.
Take a look and let me know what you think.
Thomas Cassidy
"Digital Writing" Impactful even in the NFL?
My favorite aspect of this site are their blogs; which is This blog offers different perspectives from the hottest topics and is extremely user friendly so feel free to check this out.
Following the Jacksonville Jaguars an out of town team in the tri-state area can be tough because of the lack of media exposure they get here. However, by visiting the blogs and keeping in touch with my fellow fans and helps make being a fan here feel like actually being a fan of a local team.
If you are like myself or the other 27 million NFL fantasy owners in America (according to Colin Cowherd of ESPN 2009) you understand how vital it is to have up to date news and opinions about your players.
This blog follows the rules for "Writing for Digital Media" extremely well as it offers the following
- Catchy headlines which attract the reader and get directly to the point by explaining their most important points in the first few sentences.
- Hyperlinks and videos related to the topic such as press conferences or highlights to refresh the readers mind or help support the blog.
- Very few noticeable grammatical errors with the exception of some comments from readers.
- Extremely organized and user friendly
So what are you waiting for? Check out this blog and enjoy blogging as I have been!
Sean Conklin
I found and excellent blog that does not only follows all the digital writing rules, but also teaches readers how to improve on their writing.
Copyblogger is a blog that relates different articles from different authors and it basically explains to the readers the things that should and should not be done when digital writing.
Personally the one that i liked the most was "The 7 Deadly Sins of Blogging" by Sonia Simone.
The article is very simple and straight to the point. It explains the mistakes that most people commit when writing and the author calls them "sins".
The 7 sins she talks about are:
- Selfishness
- Sloth
- Impatience
- Lameness
- Identicality
- Irrelevance
- Boorishness
I even found myself a "sinner" after reading the blog, which makes me analyze a little bit more on my writing stlye and my purpose of writing.
I think the blog is very interesting and perfect for our class. Since some of us need a little bit of guidance thorugh this blogging process.
If you want to read more about the deadly sins and so many more articles related to blogging, go to:
Mariana Alfonzo
#Kean University Marketing Students
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Socialmediaexaminer = Eyecatcher
I love the "Socialmediaexaminer" site (
Not only is it an eye catching site, it also follows all the digital writing rules.
- Web page design and page layout create a consistent visual rhythm and pace. It is easy for readers to move through the page. It goes from left to right, as in way we read, with the business ads on the right.
- I love the Social Media Jungle design. It makes me wonder what is in that site. It gets my curiosity going. I check on every page to see the various kinds of design relationships.
- Consistent repetition of page layout, shapes, colors, typefaces, and textures. It is easy on reader’s eye.
- Each page has clear topic headlines that do not require a user to read previous or subsequent pages. Each page is able to stand alone.
The site uses simple and straightforward global English language.
It also presents clear and consistent navigation aids throughout the site. The site gives visitors direct access to the information they want in the fewest steps. It should be a good site for Kean University Marketing for Social Media new students.
Each author was able to write clearly, precisely, accurately with energy and active voice. Authors have practical skills for writing and developing content for digital publishing.
Because of the clarity, I was quickly able to understand what they were trying to say. Best of all, they keep all paragraphs short.
On top, Hyperlinks are obvious and unambiguous.
They appear merely as pointers and content themselves.
The links enable readers to know exactly what they will find by clicking. Readers can decide whether they want to click on it or not.
As you all know, Social Media is completely new to me so I especially love the “Getting Started With Social Media” video. (
It is designed to help businesses discover how to best use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find leads, increase sales and generate more brand awareness.
Currently, I am in between jobs.
One of my options is to start a small business for myself. One of the options is to import some fresh water pearl from China and sell through Web site.
Social media tools I learn from Kean University Marketing Course and this video really benefit me a lot.
This video is by Chris Brogan, author of the book Trust Agents (
Chris shares his advice for businesses starting with social media. He offers very helpful information for me including.
Li Ching Jung
FAST Business, Innovation, Entrepreneurs, News- your search starts here
I don't enjoy reading the newspaper and everything that it covers.
I like to read things that interest me, like innovative consumer packaged goods or what's new with small businesses. Here's what FastCompany offers:
- Headlines that tell me right away (hence Fast) if I will click on it or not. Here is an example: Double sided Peanut Butter jar. Headlines are to the point.
- Links to articles which makes it easy to read more.
- Page layout that is easy to follow. If you want to find articles on the subjects on technology or design, there's a tab to link you there.
- Link to the author and link to title.
- Search engine, powered by Google, which is always a plus.
I also feel understands their audiences.
Their audience, like me, wants news, the kind of news you don't always find in the "Star Ledger" or "New York Times."
For me it's stuff that I didn't know I wanted to read, but glad I did.
But like everything else, there's always room for improvement ... but I'm having trouble finding where.
Cynthia Rodriguez
Kobe Bryant: The Black Mamba!
What I found most effective about the website was the simple design, concise posting and effective use of media (photos and videos). (share an example and link to it)
It also offers site visiters and return visitors like me a chance to post comment (feedback). (have you done it yet? if so, indicate what / response; if not, indicate why)
The site also offers an important "link off" feature. It allows me to post any News,Video or Feature onto Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn,Digg, 4Square etc. increasing linking to social media and increasing visibility of the site.
However, there are a few areas that Kobe's site could use improvement on.
First, a better font style and larger font size. This would allow readers to read faster and with less strain.
Secondly, the site layout at times is a little choppy and leaves me wanting more. Few articles and posts seem incomplete (marketing ploy?) while most do justice to the content.
Overall the site is a good representation of the Kobe Bryant brand.
I am a true fan of his game and can't wait for the Lakers to pick up a 6th ring!
Alexander Mathew
Digital Writing Impacts Kean University's Blog
Good digital writing has a big impact on [me] as a # Kean University Marketing Student.
If the writing is not done well with an eye catching title, [I won't] be engaged to either read the company’s blog or website, etc.
As I searched for a blog to look at, I came across TMP Meshworking: Tap Into NXT GEN Thinking.
This is a blog is for the recruitment industry, mostly human resources departments in helping them market their companies to recruit individuals to work in their companies.
This blog has many categories of interest depending on what you are looking for and have employees from TMP Worldwide who give their expertise on the different categories.
The blog post “Firing A Leader” by Katie Newland caught my attention because of the title [link to the posting].
I felt this was a different type of topic to be blogging about, so I decided to read it.
Because the title caught my attention and was done well, I felt the content in the blog would be appealing to read. And it was.
Reading through the blog I found it very interesting and it had a lot of good points [including what]. I also felt that the blog had:
- A story behind each sub-headline and could stand on its own.
- Sub-headlines help break up the information. It kept the information easier to read and you knew what the next section was going to be about before you started to read it and you did not get lost.
- Direct and consistent language.
Reading through this blog, I can see how important it is for good digital writing and to follow the rules.
[A company wants to make sure they engage consumers like me the] right away and keep my attention. [I] do not have a lot of time to waste.
[A lot of times, I] will scan blogs or articles to see what catches my attention. If the title is catchy then I will read the blog or article.
I am just starting to get myself interested in writing and reading blogs.
Before this class I did not know anything about blogs, very little about social media, and nothing about digital writing.
Because of this I find it hard to really give my opinion on what this blog should do differently, but will try.
I thought with this article the sub headings help so that [I] would know what they were reading next.
According to digital writing rules, the paragraphs were too long.
The title I thought was catchy and caught my eye. Also some of the paragraphs could have been done in a bullet format to break up some of the content.
I did not get lost in the article, but did feel it was a little long, but still read through the whole blog and found the information to be interesting and useful.
Here are the details on the blog and company:
TMP Meshworking: Tap Into NXT GEN Thinking
TMP Worldwide
Donna Foerst
HOT: Problems with News Commentary
1. Too many people signed up to present on 11/8. We can have a maximum of 2 people per week. Everyone that signed up for 11/8, please see me during class.
2. Not everyone has signed-up. Please do ASAP - otherwise, you will be at risk of failing the assignment.
3. There is another sign-up -- case example presentations.
Assignments (for 11/1) and SIGN UP FOR CASE STUDY PRESOS
Identify 1 web site or blog that follows these digital writing rules well
Blog about the impact that good digital writing has on you as a “consumer” and what you would recommend they do differently to improve even further
Be sure to link to the web site or blog from your entry
Reading:Writing for Digital Media: Chapters 4-6
Similar to the news commentary
Identify two companies that are “doing” social media well
Prepare a brief presentation for the class
Sign-up for a date to present between now and the end of the semester
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
An Ingenious Plan!
From a business stand point it is clear that using Facebook or any other similar social media sites automatically enhances a company’s ability to sale and market their products.
Orcania Burgos
Improving Communication!
Examples of social media include but are not limited to forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, chat rooms, and podcasts among others. Every one of these tools can be creatively and efficiently utilized by the employers of any given company for the creation and propagation of value and meaning using already existent information. The use of information technologies has in many cases enhance people’s ability to solve problems, brainstorm, conduct marketing, and establish new or maintain ongoing relationships.
In summary, social media instruments have rendered the overall communication process easier, faster, more accessible, and less expensive during the past could of decades. The use of social media has allowed companies to capitalize in time, resources, and business relationships. If true efficiency is the goal, companies must make it a priority to entrust every employee with the responsibility to strive to find new ingenious ways to incorporate social media devices in the overall business process.
Orcania B
Monday, October 25, 2010
The New Way To Communicate In Our Company
Employees will share all the productive ideas between all of them; also it will be easier to participate and to know more and everything about the company.
I think a good idea will be to have a chat, so all the employee could chat with each of them.
It will be easier to have everyone on date with the agenda and all the activities.
Employee engagement, the entire employee should be responsible about their conversation, in the site. The site should be protected by the company so that only the employees could have access to it.
Encouraging Communication!
The reasons for such a communication gap include employees that think, “I don’t want to appear incompetent,” and “Who am I to offer ideas to management?” Additionally, because they know that the management team is busy with long-term planning and strategic initiatives, many employees don’t want to interrupt with details of day-to-day activities. Without that knowledge, however, managers have a difficult time gauging whether they’re leading the company effectively.
The key to getting employees to communicate better and to keeping the company’s progress on track is to build a quality interaction between the employee group and the management team. Breaking through the barriers and getting employees and managers working together helps everyone advance a strategic vision and attain goals.
Saheed Animasaun
It appears to me that companies feel like communication with their employees is underrated.
I get this feeling due to the fact that companies are hesitant to implement a plan that will increase communication not only between employees and upper management, but also between other employees.
If it was up to me, I would do everything I could to help increase communication, otherwise, how else does a company run?
My opinion is that good and timely communication with employees is a big key to a company's success. I work in a PR office, and for us, communication is essential.
If communication with employees is done the right way, you keep their interest and make them realize how important they are to the company.
This leads to the first article I read titled "They're Just Not That Into You," written by Alison Davis.
This article gives examples and reasoning behind the fact that poor communication with employees leads to a relationship where the employee feels unstable.
Now, I understand employees can feel a little unstable about their job due to the economy because the economy is having a big effect on the state of horse racing as well, but employers can help change that by trying to ensure confidence and showing interest in their employees.
The second article, "Brand Building: Why Employee Communications Matter," written by Anne Sauve, helps point out that employee communication is underrated.
In the opening paragraph she states, "my belief is that companies often overlook the role that employee communication plays," and based on my opinion stated earlier in this post, she's right.
The third article, "Social Media Within Your Walls" addresses the issues that concern employers about using social media and provides ways to help companies to get the most out of using social media.
It offers such advice as "start with a social media policy and training" and "choose the right platform for the job."
I believe it would be wise for companies take a look at their communication with employees and always keep an eye out for ways to improve and build strong relationships.
That is what can help companies stay strong and successful.
Social media appears to be the next way to improve employee communication and should be given a chance.
Thomas Cassidy