Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Social Media Mkt Class@Kean University!

Facebook Ad?
So I have been reading everyone's post and thought I'd try out something a little different myself. Having been on Facebook for a while now I have many a time clicked on ads that showed up along the side of the web page everytime I refreshed the page. So I said, maybe I'd try and put one up for our blog too! Here's a snapshot of what could be the potential "look" for our ad were it on Facebook.

However, what I was impressed with was how Facebook gave me "market reach" for the ad:

The only issue with a Facebook ad however is that Facebook charges a rate to post on their site. You can choose how much to budget but there is a fee involved. Thus my search to optimize and boost our blog's searchability stopped! :( Sorry, I am a student and maybe Kean's Marketing Department could take up charge to try marketing to its students via Facebook.

Tweeting Kean U Talk 2 Me:

I took the time to tweet our blog's link on toTwitter. I plan on leaving it up there till I find something better to tweet about :)

The Result?

I am not claiming credit for this Google ranking. No, not at all. I believe our combined efforts "as a class" helped boost our blog to the top of a Google search.

Type in "Kean University Social Media Blog" and we have the top 2 rankings in Google's search. I say this is a significant boost from back in Sep-Oct when we had to browse past page 6 on Google to get to one of our posts and the blog. Good job class!!

Next stop- Putting our blog online on to Kean's homepage (or) the Marketing Department homepage. That's for my second attempt! :)

Alexander Mathew

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