Sunday, November 7, 2010

Exploring and Invitation

To improve our class, Kean University Marketing Course, web page visibility (Search Engine Optimization), or make it higher on the page, I explored with three different names: Exciting Blog, Jungle Blog, Blog with Style.

• With the title “Exciting Blog”, I got no result after searching from page one to ten. I didn’t continue after page ten.

• Same as “Exciting Blog”: I can’t find it after ten pages with the title of “Jungle Blog”.

• I faced the identical problem with “Blog with Style”.

With the original title name, Socialmediaexaminer = Eyecatcher, Google search engines returned the first three blogs as follows:

1) Kean U Talk 2 Me: Big Blue Coming Through!
2) Kean U Talk 2 Me: I want news and I want it FAST!
3) Kean U Talk 2 Me

My Conclusion

Since our web site is not a paid listing site, Kean University Marketing for Social Media, and contains no images and video, we are still among the top three search results because the title “Socialmediaexaminer = Eyecathcer” fantastic SEO results. So I would keep the original title.

Invite Your Friends and Peers

In order to bring more traffic to our class blog, Kean University Marketing for social Media, I first thought it would be good idea to start to get my friends and peers to participate. So I invited my friends to become my Facebook friends.

• I sent everyone on my Yahoo e-mail list an invitation (about 200 people). Next
morning I received more than 20 requested mails saying the contacts would like to be my friends.

• After I clicked on “Confirm Friend” box and went to visit their Facebook pages, I couldn’t believe how many more friends I could add to my invitation just from these friends’ lists.

The best of all, these lists not only incorporated friends from US, China and Taiwan that I know, but also the people from Indonesia, and Africa, and some parts of Middle East that I have absolutely no connection with. Suddenly, I went global!!!

I Think I Will Send Facebook Invitations to These New Lists.

I figure these new lists will definitely increase our SEO. So I sent them invitations. A very funny feeling came to me after couple of people responded. I was afraid to click on “Confirm Friend” box because I really don’t know these people whether they are trustworthy or not.

Actually, I am very anxious to find out what my friends will think of our class blog. I also want those friends to be proud of me because I am now a blogger!!! Showing off!!!

Some of them may be expert bloggers. If this is the case, I’d like to have their feedback so I can learn from their expertise as I am just a beginner.

Not Everyone Will Participate

I realize not everyone I invited responded to my invitation. Inviting my friends to our blog site not only increases traffic, but also helps to get some dialogue going.

This is really a powerful way to increase traffic. If each one of our classmates would do what I did for the last couple of days, we can bring in thousands of traffic by just inviting people from our personal e-mail lists.

We Should Retain Our Visitors Afterward

In order to retain our visitors after they check out our site, our classmates can do following:

• Have our blog build in some style: post some interest pictures, videos, and class activities.

• Have all our classmates follow all the digital writing rules.

• Create pages that always have clear topic headlines (I am learning myself).

• Use simple and straightforward global English language.

• Use clear, precise, grammatical and accurate text written with energy and
active voice.

• Keep all paragraphs short, so it can be easy on readers’ eyes.

Above are all the points Perri has emphasized every week. Although I try to keep it up, I know I haven’t always been able to do it all. Well, older people just don’t learn new tricks as easily!!!

Li Ching Jung


  1. Dear Perri,

    I have a problem to line up those bullet points. Would you please help me.

    Thank you so much, and see you tomorrow.

    Li Ching

  2. Hi Li Ching,

    No worries on the line up of bullets.

    This is an excellent blog posting. I am printing it because I would like to discuss it with the class.

    This is an A assignment.

    Well done.

