Monday, December 20, 2010

Super Bowl!!

this article was about how Mercedes-benz and audi are using social media sites facebook and twitter to do a contest leading up to the super bowl. it plans to set up contest to social media users with "hefty" prizes given out. Contests involved in tweeting regularly and coming up with the best slogans. it mentioned that super bowl commercial slots were about 3 million dollars for about 30 sec. Audi, Mercedes-benz and companies like wise wanted to build up their marketing agenda by not just limiting there promotion to 30 seconds but by building a "hype' to the super bowl. this is a great idea to create even more awareness because it doesn't limit the the marketing and promotion to just a 30 minute advertisement but its uses social media to extend the awareness prosess interact with potential costumers

rodlin pierre

Can Social Media Change Lives And Politics?

The political dust has settled down in Iran, but the world has not forgotten the heartbreaking image of the death of Neda. How did the world get to know about it when the Iranian government had tight control over traditional media?

The gravity of the devastation left behind in Haiti by the earthquake was far beyond imagination. The level of outcry was such that traditional media alone couldn’t handle mobilizing resources to help the people of Haiti.

The government of China stands to censor the internet, but how long will this last given the speed at which information technology is growing? Just like the rest of world, the Chinese people want to engage and interact with others. In a blog post, Google announced that it would no longer censor its Chinese search engine, even if it means pulling out of China entirely.

Ben Parr, Co-Editor of Mashable, wrote an article, Social Media’s True Impact on Haiti, China, and the World. The article highlights how ordinary citizens of Iran used social media to inform the world of what was happening during the presidential elections crisis.

According Ben Parr, it was impressive how charity text message campaign raised more than $10 million for Haiti victim relief. He enlightened that social media tools are breaking through China’s great firewall.

I wouldn’t think that social media tools (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blog, etc) are replacing traditional media, but rather; they have taken the world of communication to a whole new level. Leave a comment telling me what you think of social media’s role in society.

Abaya Sekou Sannor

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kean University Marketing Students Here is Something to Think About

Dominos Pizza on the Today Show - Workers fired for Dominos prank video

My social media case was about the 2009 Domino’s Pizza scandal. The video shows one domino’s pizza employee contaminating food as his coworker video tapes and enjoys the malicious act. The reach of this video is of global proportions, it damaged the reputation of Domino’s Pizza worldwide. The store where this happened was closed but the impact of this video affected the entire franchise. Even if this was an isolated incident, after watching this video millions of people will refrain from buying at Domino’s Pizza. Such a foolish mistake resulted in a lot of damage and criminal prosecution.

There is really no method that will prevent incidents like the above described will not continue to happen other than being more careful when hiring employees. Social media channels are great to advertise and promote products, but at the same time they are equally effective to damage and reduce the popularity of any business at any given time.

Orcania Burgos

News Commentary: “Which site would be better for Kean University marketing students to post their business ad?”

My article was “When it Comes To Marketing, Twitter Destroys Facebook,”

This article is based on a study conducted by Social Twist which makes a comparison between facebook and twitter. The author provides a series of pros and cons for using each websites and reaches the conclusion that using twitter is a much better marketing choice than facebook. According to the author twitter offers more return on investment, reaches a more specific audience and consumer bases, and avails itself with a technologically sophisticated audience. On the other hand, facebook’s biggest asset, its large social media traffic, is also considered as a negative point because many of the users are not target consumers.

In my opinion, twitter looks like a more professional site and facebooks like a more social site. At the same time however if I had to advertise a product I would still go for facebook since it is a much bigger site. However, I also think that instead of choosing between sites a smarter idea to increase exposure levels is to post ads on as many sites as possible.

Orcania Burgos